Who We Are
Belonging, believing, becoming
Dear People of St. Gabriel’s,
I once heard a Jewish Cantor explain that religion involves three things: belonging, believing, and becoming. I would like to see St. Gabriel’s as a parish family where belonging, believing, and becoming are our top priorities.
Belonging: Belonging in a sense that goes beyond “warm fuzzies”. Belonging in the sense that you know you are welcome here and that you will do what you can to make others know they are welcome. Most importantly, belonging in the sense of your personal ownership, responsibility, and commitment to the well-being of all of the people in this parish family.
Believing: Believing in the sense that from your experience of belonging to St. Gabriel’s parish family and the faith example we offer each other, you will come to deepen your personal relationship with God – Father, Son, and Spirit. Believing in a sense that you will appreciate the words of Scripture, what really matters is “faith that expresses itself in love.” (Gal. 5:6) Believing in the sense that from your deepened personal relationship with God, your faith will be “expressed” as you accept your place in the community of the Church and the community of the Earth.
Becoming: Becoming in the sense that from our positive preaching of the Gospel and the celebration of vital liturgies, your involvement in the many ministries in the parish and your participation in the programs of adult learning offered here, you may “grow to full maturity in Christ” (Eph. 4:15) and take ownership and responsibility for the adult decisions you make in living your life as a Christian person.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Paul Cusack, CP