Liturgy and Music

Altar Servers

Altar servers are young members of the parish who assist the Presider during Mass. Young people who are Grade 4 of higher are eligible to serve as an altar server. Most serve one mass a month and is committed to serving for at least one year. The training session usually takes place in the fall.

Time used as an altar server can count towards the required community service hours either in preparation for confirmation or for one’s secondary school diploma.


Lectors are men and women of the parish who proclaim the Word of God during liturgical celebrations. They also read the Prayer of the Faithful and make announcements at Mass.

This ministry requires certain aptitude, such as an adequate vocal instrument and effective communication skills, as well as an understanding of the liturgical importance of the Liturgy of the Word. Lectors are prepared for this ministry and serve on a rotating basis.

Liturgy of the Word for Children

At the 10:30 a.m. Mass from October to May each year, led by parent as well as other volunteers, children ages 4 to 10 have the opportunity to gather as a group for the Liturgy of the Word. Through the ministry of these parents and volunteers, the children are able to participate in discussions and activities based on an age-appropriate interpretation of the scripture readings in a comfortable interactive setting.

Ministers of the Eucharist

These are adult members of the parish who are appointed to assist in distributing Holy Communion at Mass.

Ministers of Hospitality

This ministry is performed by men and women who welcome and usher those attending Mass and other Liturgies. They are responsible for the order of offertory collections, offertory and communion processions. They also attend to special needs as required.

Music Ministry

Our organists and leaders of song enrich the liturgies with music and lead the congregation toward full participation. Our Parish organists are the preferred organists at Masses, weddings and funerals. The adult choir sings at the 10:30 a.m. Mass, while the youth choir sings at the 12:30 p.m. Mass. The choirs meet separately once a week for practice.