Youth Group
Young people in the parish grade 5 and up meet every month as a group to pray, talk, have fun, and to provide help wherever help is needed. In the past, for example, they have raised funds to build a water tank in a remote village among the indigenous people in the Philippines, helped in collecting donation for the relief of the hurricane victims in Asia, and sold chocolates for the Marguerite Bourgeoys Family Center.
Part of the youth outreach program involves members in preparing and serving meals to those in need, organising Street Patrol in downtown Toronto and serving meals at St. Francis Table.
Members of the youth group have participated in Steubenville youth conferences in Toronto and New York as part of their ongoing spiritual development.
Some recent Youth Group activities.
Planting native trees in Cedarvale Park and Pineway Park, preparing and distributing Winter Care Packages in downtown Toronto, serving food at The Scott Mission Centre, and weaving milk bags into mattresses.
Steubenville New York 2016
Here is a video of our Youth at Steubenville New York:
Street Patrol August 2016
On Sunday August 15th, our youth group made sandwiches and prepared lunch bags to distribute to the homeless of downtown Toronto. We successfully handed out a total of 120 meals. This was a great experience for our youth and we look forward to doing more outreach events like this one.