First Reconciliation and First Communion
For children baptized when younger, they usually prepare to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion when they are in Grade 2 (at about the age of 7).
Preparation for these two sacraments for the children of St. Gabriel’s School takes place through the school; or if the child is enrolled in public and private schools, through the Children’s Faith Program in the parish. Children in the parish who are enrolled in other Catholic schools prepare for these sacraments through their own schools.
Parents are offered sessions to assist them in further developing their own understanding of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, and to help in the teaching their children.
First Communion is celebrated with the family when the child is ready. A community celebration of all those who have recently made or will soon make their First Communion takes place in May.
First Reconciliation is usually celebrated in the spring, when the child is ready.