Bulletin – May 2

In this week’s homily, Catholic Education Week, and a family mass and registration for the Children’s Faith Program.


Wednesday, May 5th at 10:30 AM.
Wednesday, May 5th at 7:30 PM.


May 2nd to May 7th, 2010 – “Rejoicing in Hope”

Our parish Catholic schools invite parishioners to join them in celebrating Catholic Education Week 2010, which runs from May 2nd to May 7th.
During this week, the Catholic community celebrates the distinctive contribution that Catholic schools make to our students, our community, to our society and to the province at large. Catholic education continues to integrate Gospel values into every aspect of the school’s life and curriculum.


May 3RD – May 8TH, 2010

MONDAY –THANKSGIVING Requested by Mary Chan
TUESDAY – JOHN C.K.YEUNG Requested by Agnes Wong & Family
WEDNESDAY – WALTER DAMPS Requested by the Damps Family
THURSDAY – EMMA ABELA-PULIS Requested by the Family
FRIDAY – STELLA RIVARD Requested by Betty & Gavin Ivory
SATURDAY – JOHN HUYBERS Requested by the Huybers Family


The Children’s Faith Program Family Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, May 8th at the 4:30 PM Mass. Children from different grades will be participating.
All families are invited.


Registration forms for the Children’s Faith Program for next year are now available in the Parish Office.
Please note that all registrations must be returned by June 30th , 2010.


The sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday, May 16th at 7:30 PM in St. Gabriel’s Church.
In preparation for this Sacrament, a Confirmation Retreat will be held on Saturday, May 8th from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM in St. Gabriel’s Church. Candidates are reminded to bring a signed letter from the service coordinator or a parent stating the completion or anticipated date of completion of volunteer service hours.


Parents of children preparing to receive their First Communion are reminded to call the Parish Office at 416-221-8866 to arrange an interview with Fr. Paul or Fr. Brando. This is part of the participation partnership: Parish, School, Home.
At the interview, a date and Mass time will be chosen for your child’s First Communion.


Our operating expenses average $14,000 per week.
Last week’s collection:
Loose Change – $1,475
Envelopes (431) – $8,034
Weekly Portion of Pre-Authorized Giving (113) – $2,338
Total – $11,847


This Weekend -May 1st/2nd

Please help with the everyday needs of this wonderful organization.
Items that are most needed include:

  • Pampers – all sizes including toddlers
  • diaper cream (Penaten and Zincofax)
  • powdered baby formula (preferably Regular Nestle Good Start),
  • sleepers, undershirts, new and gently used clothing (to 3 years),
  • socks, sippy cups, plastic dishes and glasses for toddlers,
  • baby soap, receiving blankets, bibs (ages 1 to 3 years),
  • baby safety devices (plugs for electrical sockets, locks for cupboards)
  • pasta, tomato sauce, beans, macaroni and cheese

Items can be dropped off in the playpens and boxes provided in the Gathering Space.


A concert for Rosalie Hall
This Sunday, May 2nd at 4:00 PM at St. Gabriel’s Church

Please join us for a mix of classic and contemporary music performed by John De Pinto. Tickets are $10 and all proceeds will benefit the women and babies of Rosalie Hall. Tickets will also be available at the door on May 2nd. See you there!


The wonders of Self Worth

Our Place has changed my life by being more self-confident and being able to do volunteering, able to work behind the counter and serving others. The staff here have always been helpful and they always encourage me to be able to accomplish, giving me a sense of self-worth. I like Our Place because it allows me to meet new people and keep in touch with my old friends… I am more confident in knowing how to deal with people and their different backgrounds.”
As written by Mike, who sought help at Our Place of Community of Hope, a ShareLife –funded agency

Third ShareLife Collection

May 31st, 2010
Please give generously. ‘You can work WONDERS!’


What an opportunity!
Clean out your closets and drawers because next weekend, the Society for St. Vincent de Paul will have a truck available to collect gently used clothing and household linens for the needy. We will donate or sell these donations to support others in your community. Thank you!

The truck will be open on Saturday, May 8th from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM and Sunday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Volunteers will assist with the loading before and after Mass.


Thank you to the volunteers who prepared 39 casseroles for April. For May, your prepared casseroles (frozen please) will be collected at the Masses on the weekend of May 29/30, for delivery to the Good Shepherd Centre. We are in desperate need of more volunteers to become active in helping to feed our less fortunate sisters and brothers. If you require more information or would like to get a copy of the recipe and a casserole pan, please contact Irene Albrecht at 416-221-2791.


November 4th- 12th

Please join us for an 11 day Journey in the Footsteps of Jesus with Fr. Paul Cusack, C.P. and program facilitator Kitty McGilly of Faith Journeys, www.faithjourney.ca. For those who are interested, there will be an information meeting on Sunday, May 16th at 3:00 PM. A flyer is also available in the Parish Office.
For more information, please contact Marilyn Calderone by email at marilyncalderone@rogers.com or by phone at 416-221-8866, Ext. 225


Do you speak French… even a little bit?
We shall be getting together in the Library every other Thursday morning, starting Thursday, May 6th. We shall practise and, hopefully, improve our conversational French.
For more information, please contact Jo Field at 416-498-4655.


Creating a Circle of Hope
5km Fundraising Walk in support of Paediatric Brain Tumour Research
Sunday, May 9th, 2010
8:30 AM to 12 Noon

On Sunday, May 9th the Meagan’s Walk community of supporters will be participating in the ninth annual Meagan’s Walk: Creating a Circle of Hope. They invite you to join them as they create a “circle of hope” and honour Mother’s Day in a most special way. Help make the world a better place for children!
From Ontario Place to the Hospital for Sick Children
All proceeds to benefit the Meagan Bebenek Endowment Fund at SickKids Foundation and b.r.a.i.n.child.

Register, Pledge, Donate at


Marriage Encounter
May 14th- May 16th

A Second Honeymoon is a perfect way to celebrate a wedding anniversary.  Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre offers married couples the privacy, hospitality and program that inspire couples to continue exploring their lives together.  Whether it is for yourselves or a couple you know, the next weekend is May 14-16th.  For information telephone: 416-694-1742; 905-278-8879, or register at Queen of Apostles: 905-278-5229.


“I was walking to work and I wanted to listen to the news, so I found this cute little green radio for 4 dollars and 99 cents. I was standing there in line to buy this thing, and I was thinking how $4.99 could possibly capture the costs of making this radio and getting it to my hands. The metal was probably mined in South Africa; the petroleum was probably drilled in Iraq; the plastics were probably produced in China; and maybe the whole thing was assembled in Mexico. $4.99 wouldn’t even pay the rent for the shelf space it occupied until I came along, let alone part of the staff guy’s salary that helped me pick it out, or the multiple ocean cruises and truck rides pieces of this radio went on. That’s how I realized I didn’t pay for the radio …

What would happen if we paid the true cost of things?”

-Annie Leonard