In this week’s bulletin, the Passover remembrance meal and the National Catholic Mission returns.
LENT 4.5
From the desk of Fr. Paul
While Lent and Easter come a little later than usual this year, it is nonetheless fast approaching. This year the parish will be launching a special Lenten program: Lent 4.5.
The Lent 4.5 program is developed by the Passionist Earth & Spirit Centre based in Kentucky, USA. (It is an unusual name, but in time you’ll hear more about it.) Through the program, we approach the Lenten season of purification and repentance with a particular focus on how our lifestyles affect creation, as well as the poor of this world. It gives the traditional Lenten practice of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving a whole new meaning.
Beginning February 27th, each week during Lent, there will be an additional insert to our Parish Bulletin, covering a variety of themes, such as Christian simplicity, food, energy, water. Each week the particular theme will be explained in the insert, along with what the Church teaches on the subject. There will also be simple actions suggested so that if we decide to, we can make a difference in caring for the poor and for God’s creation.
We encourage you to take a few moments each week, using the insert to ponder and reflect. Hopefully this Lent will be for you a new experience of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
April 4th to April 9th, 2011
MONDAY – BARBERA BISERA & CIELO ROBRIGADO Requested by the Bisera Family
TUESDAY – ELOISA JEREZ Requested by Ivana, Eduardo, Carlos & Ruth Korman
WEDNESDAY – EDWIN PINTO Requested by his Wife and Family
THURSDAY – DAVID SHELDRICK Requested by Teresa and Family
FRIDAY – RUDY KUS Requested Martina Kus
SATURDAY – JOHN & EDGAR PATENAUDE Requested by Sheila Stewart
Wednesday, April 13th at 7:30 PM
This is an opportunity to spend some time in peace and quiet, to reflect upon how we are responding to our call to be sons and daughters of God. Recognizing the fact that we are “good people”, we also accept the fact that good people can sin. Through an examination of conscience we face those sins, admit them and are reconciled to God. For those who wish, individual confessions will be celebrated after the service.
We encourage you to take advantage of this celebration.
Stations of the Cross Friday Evenings at 7:30 PM
Reconciliation Service Wednesday, April 13th at 7:30 PM
Palm Sunday April 17th
- Sat. 4:30 PM
- Sun. 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM
Holy Thursday April 21st
- No 9:00 AM Mass
- 7:30 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper
- Followed by Adoration until 10:00 PM
Good Friday April 22nd
- 10:00 AM Morning Prayer and Reflection
- 3:00 PM Solemn Passion of Our Lord
- 7:30 PM Stations of the Cross
Holy Saturday April 23rd
- Confessions 11:00 AM to 12 Noon
- No 4:30 PM Mass
- 8:30 PM Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday April 24th: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM
Easter Monday April 25th
- No 9:00 AM Mass
- Office closed
Extra parking at Elkhorn Public School
Wednesday, April 20th at 7:00 PM in the Gabriel Room
This annual parish event is again being sponsored by the Pastoral team. Passover is the oldest festival of the Hebrew liturgical calendar. It has been observed by the Jewish people for more than 3,000 years. Passover is a religious family meal celebrating Jewish freedom from slavery. It occurs in the spring, the time of renewal in “Nissan”, the first month of the Hebrew year, and it lasts for eight days. Why do we celebrate this “meal” at St. Gabriel’s? First, this celebration helps us to understand our religious roots, which are Jewish. Second, it is an opportunity for us to celebrate our growth as a community and be together with families and friends at this most special time during Holy Week. Please call the Parish Office at 416-221-8866 by Friday, April 15th to book your table of 6 or 8, or to have your name added to a table.
Sunday, April 10that the 12:30 PM Mass.
Sunday, April 10th at 3:30 PM in the Gabriel Room.
The Story of the Mass
Tuesday, April 5th at 7:30 PM
Wednesday, April 6th at 10:30 AM
View the 2010 financial statement (142KB, PDF).
March 26th/27th
Our operating expenses average $13,300 per week.
Loose Change – $992
Envelopes (456) – $9,074
Weekly Portion of Pre-Authorized Giving (150) – $2,976
Total – $13,042
During the Good Friday Service, our parish in communion with the Church turns itself towards Jerusalem. It commemorates Jesus, His sorrowful passion and His love for us and all humanity. That is also where we share a common solidarity towards the Holy Sites and the faithful who live there. Our gesture of solidarity becomes an extension of the Pope’s hand that reaches out to the Holy Sites where Jesus has lived and given testimony.
On Good Friday, there will be a Pontifical collection for the Holy Land in support of Christian communities, the work of the Holy land, the upkeep of the Holy Sites and the formation of future priests. Let us give generously and show solidarity to respond to the needs of the Church in the land of Jesus.
Working wonders in our community
“You don’t have to look far to see the wonders being worked by ShareLife… in your neighbourhood, in the homes on your street, in the pews of your parish. Last year, the network of ShareLife-funded agencies reached out to over 250,000 people in our region and assisted countless more in developing countries around the world. They fed the hungry, sheltered the homeless, protected the meek and cared for the sick. In 42 municipalities, in 225 parishes, and in more than 20 languages, people received professional, faith-informed and compassionate care as a result of our generosity.”
— Most Rev. Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto
Today is ShareLife Sunday.
Please give generously. You can work WONDERS!
Thank you to the volunteers who prepared 57 casseroles for March. In April, your prepared casseroles (frozen please) will be collected at the Masses on the weekend of April 30/May 1, 2011 for delivery to the Good Shepherd Centre. Please note that this is a week later than normal to avoid collection on Easter. More volunteers are encouraged to become active in helping to feed our less fortunate sisters and brothers. If you require more information or would like to get a copy of the recipe and a casserole pan, please contact Irene Albrecht at 416 221-2791.
The Heart of the Matter
April 3 and 4th from 7:15 – 9:00 PM
This year’s National Catholic Mission, “The Heart of the Matter,” will be taped for television at St. Gabriel’s Church this Sunday and Monday evenings, April 3 and 4th from 7:15 -9:00 PM. It will be hosted by Father Jack Lynch from the Scarborough Missions and our speakers will be Fr. Donald Senior and Sr. Melannie Svoboda. They will be joined by Richard Foty, Marilyn Calderone, Carina Sandejas, Mike Nasello, Alesandra Trimmeliti, and some of the Alumni from St. Michael’s Choir School. Please join us for one or both evenings and help us create a special Lenten celebration for the faithful of Canada.
Monday, April 18th & Tuesday, April 19th
“The Heart of the Matter” will be broadcast on VISIONTV on Monday, April 18th (Part 1) and Tuesday, April 19th (Part 2) at 7:00 PM. and repeated at 10:00 PM. Fr. Donald Senior will talk about the challenge of reconciliation in our families, our Church and in our world.
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