Bulletin – June 5

In this week’s bulletin, share your story with Shepherd’s Trust, a new time for the French Group and TCDSB Staff Arts present The Drowsy Chaperone.


Congratulations to the following children from the Children’s Faith Program, and those from Private and Public Schools who received their First Communion as a group on Sunday, May 29th, 2011.

  • Cristina Agrafojo
  • Lucas Arocena
  • Derek Aubrey
  • Sabrina Berih
  • Matthew Bradbury
  • Mitchell Bradbury
  • Stephen Burjan
  • Mei Linh Cheng
  • Matthew Cooke
  • Michael Corrado
  • Luca Dolce
  • Lucas Facca
  • Edward Golshenas Rad
  • Emiliano Golshenas Rad
  • Adrian Hanna
  • Andrew Ho
  • Ryan Justin Hui
  • James Kwiatkowski
  • Christopher Leung
  • Nicole Maurer
  • Stefano Merrichelli
  • Theo Nacarato-Steintrasser
  • Laurel Perroz-Wong
  • Kayla Pierroz-Wong
  • Christina Marie Quaid
  • Arianna Tapawan
  • Christopher Trevisan
  • Nicole Wong

It was a beautiful celebration. We promise to support them with our prayers as they continue on their journey of faith.


June 6th – June 11th, 2011

MONDAY – DELMA VARILLAS Requested by the Family
TUESDAY – ELEANOR HINCH Requested by Marilou Wight
WEDNESDAY – FELIX CHAN Requested by John Chan & Family
THURSDAY – MELICIO UNIANA Requested by Angela & Aida
FRIDAY – DENIS MAILHOT Requested Mary Ann Mailhot
SATURDAY – JAM BADAME Requested by the Family


Registration forms for the Children’s Faith Program for next year are now available in the Parish Office. Please note that all registrations must be returned by
June 30th, 2011.
If your child will be receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist or Confirmation, please fill out a Registration form for the Sacraments. These are also available in the Office.


The Story of the Mass
Tuesday, June 7th at 7:30 PM
Wednesday, June 8th at 10:30 AM


Our journey of life and journey of faith are meant to converge at an early age. For many of us, however, we tend to grow physically, mentally, psychologically etc., but remain at a childish level of understanding our faith. The following information is for those who wish to keep growing, to be able to enjoy the Good news of God’s love for us as members of God’s Church.

Monday Nights are R.C.I.A. Nights

R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) meetings begin on Monday, September 19th, 2011 at 8:00 PM. These evenings are for persons interested in learning about the Catholic Faith. Because the Parish Community itself is considered the official teacher and guide for potential new members, it is important that some parishioners participate by being present and by sharing their Faith in various ways. It is also an opportunity for “Born Catholics” to deepen their understanding of the faith. Adult Catholics who wish to celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist and/or Confirmation are welcome. For more information, please call Mary Landry at 416 – 221 – 8866.


The Shepherds’ Trust is about caring for those who always cared for us – our priests.  They were with us to celebrate our marriage and blessed the exchanging of our vows.  They baptized our children and welcomed them into the faith. They were by our side to console and provide strength, during periods of uncertainty and great sadness. This is why thousands of parishioners give to the Shepherds’ Trust. They have a
personal story. And a donation is one way to give thanks for making a life-long commitment to others. How has a priest played a meaningful role in your life? The Shepherds’ Trust wants you to share your story. Submit your story by emailing mrogucki@archtoronto.org or by visiting the website at www.shepherdstrust.org or mail them to:
The Shepherd’s Trust, c/o Marisa Rogucki
Catholic Pastoral Centre
1155 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4T 1W2


“More people are relying on ShareLife today than have ever done before but I’m confident we can continue to offer them a helping hand if we all participate. Please contribute as best you can to ShareLife this year. Your donation, no matter what its size, will bring us closer to our goal. Thank you for the contribution you make in gift and deed to our Church and to the community at large.

I pray that the Lord helps us all continue to share our “talents” with a generous spirit.”
– Most Rev. Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto

ShareLife Collection 2010: $187,836.42
ShareLife Collection To Date: $125,561.69


Thank you to the volunteers who prepared 33 casseroles for May. For June, your prepared casseroles (frozen please) will be collected at the Masses on the weekend of June 25/26, 2011 for delivery to the Good Shepherd Centre.
More volunteers are urgently needed to become active in helping to feed our less fortunate sisters and brothers. Please, pick up a copy of the recipe and a casserole pan and get involved..For more information, please contact
Irene Albrecht at 416 221-2791.


Our operating expenses average $13,300 per week.
May 14th/15th, 2011

Loose Change – $1,093
Envelopes (416) – $7,949
Weekly Portion of Pre-Authorized Giving (158) – $3,147
Total – $12,189


The “Pre-Authorized Giving” plan (PAG), authorized and supported by the Archdiocese of Toronto, is a direct debit program. It allows parishioners to make their regular offertory donations by automatic monthly bank withdrawal on or about the 20th of each month. Participation in the PAG provides a regular dependable cash flow of contributions to the parish and enables us to better manage the Parish finances.

PAG brochures and sign-up forms are available in the Parish Office. Completed forms, in a sealed envelope, may be placed in the collection basket or dropped off at the Parish Office. We thank you for your generosity and support.


The French Group has changed its meeting time to 11:00 AM. Please join us in the Library for an hour. We cover all kinds of topics with our different levels of fluency. And we laugh a lot! Everyone is welcome.


The St. Gabriel’s Church Directories will arrive shortly. For those who had their individual family pictures taken for the Directory, your copy of the book will be available for pick-up in the Gabriel Room on the weekends of June 11th /12th and June 18th /19th after all the Masses.


Catholic Parents of Lesbian Daughters and Gay Sons

Saturday, June 18th, 2011 – 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Cost: $40.00 (includes lunch)
Scarboro Missions,
2685 Kingston Road, Toronto

For Brochure and information call John Montague at 416-523-6449.


Thursday, June 30th – Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

Blessed Trinity Parish is sponsoring their 26th annual pilgrimage to Canadian Shrines in Quebec from June 30th to July 3rd.
The pilgrimage will visit St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal, First Marian Shrine in Canada at Cap-de-La Madeleine and St. Anne de Beaupre in Quebec.
For further information, please see the bulletin board or contact Mary Salvador at 416-497-7059


TCDSB Staff Arts is pleased to present:
The Drowsy Chaperone
A Musical within a Comedy

June 10, 11, 15, 16 and 17, 2011
Theatre at Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts,
36 Greenfield Avenue, North York.
All performances start at 7:30 PM.
All tickets $20

For more information please call 416-222-8282 ext. 2787.
or visit the website: www.tcdsb.org/staffarts

To order tickets online, go to www.tcdsb.org/staffarts
(When ordering online add $1 convenience fee).


Be a gardener.
Dig a ditch,
toil and sweat,
and turn the earth upside down
and seek the deepness
and water the plants in time.
Continue this labor
and make sweet floods to run
and noble and abundant fruits
to spring.
Take this food and drink
and carry it to God
as your true worship.

as quoted in Earth Prayers