Bulletin – November 17, 2013


“Advent: New beginnings”

Wednesday, December 4th from 7:30 to 8:30 P.M.

To prepare our hearts and minds for Christmas, the parish will be hosting again an Advent Evening of Reflection on Wednesday, December 4th, from 7:30 to 8:30 P.M. This year, our theme will be “Advent: New beginnings”. Father Jack Lynch sfm, will be leading us in prayer and reflection.

Father Lynch is a member of the Scarboro Foreign Missions. He was first missioned to Peru. Later he served as Director of a regional formation Center for 10 years in Central America. From 1997 to 2012, Father Lynch was Superior General of the Scarboro Missions. He is presently engaged in retreat work; and he continues with his involvement with the televised masses on Vision TV and Salt and Light TV.

With the Christmas season fast approaching, and the pressure for us to shop, entertain, and decorate keeps mounting, this evening will be a great opportunity to pause, listen, and look deeply into our lives to find the room there to appreciate the meaning of “God with us”.

Please mark your calendar, and reserve the time for some quietude, so that we can remain anchored amidst the busyness of the season.


November 18th to November 23rd, 2013

MONDAY – GRACE & SALVADOR SAN JUAN – Requested by Frank & Sylvia Leaver
TUESDAY – CHRISTINA KIBEDA – Requested by Val Palazzo & Sarah Elizabeth
WEDNESDAY – ADAM HRYHORCHUK – Requested by Tom Keane
THURSDAY – LOUIS & MARIE FUNG – Requested by Janice
FRIDAY – JIM & VERONICA ANDREW – Requested by Mary-Ann Mailhot
SATURDAY – PHILIP LEAH – Requested by Kathi Leah


There is a Book of Remembrance placed on the altar for the month of November. You are invited to write the names of your deceased relatives and friends in the book. They will be remembered at all the Masses celebrated in November.


This Weekend, November 16th/17th

The Shepherds’ Trust has a mission to provide, comfort and care for those who have steadfastly cared for us – our retired priests. As parishioners, we have our own memories of a Catholic priest who made a positive, meaningful and lasting impact in our lives.

Each year, thousands of people contribute to the Shepherds’ Trust. The collection will take place in all parishes in the Archdiocese this weekend, November 16th and 17th. We want our priests to retire safely and with dignity. The Shepherds’ Trust allows us to help achieve this goal. Your generosity is deeply appreciated.


The Catholic community across the Archdiocese of Toronto is responding to the humanitarian crisis in the Philippines with prayer and practical assistance following the catastrophic effects of Typhoon Haiyan on November 8th. We will be working with Catholic partners in the affected region who will be present to address short and long term needs.

If you wish to assist the relief efforts, you can make an online donation

  • Online through the Archdiocese of Toronto website: www.archtoronto.org
  • By phone through the Development Office – 416-934-3411
  • Through the parish, making cheques payable to: St. Gabriel’s Parish – Philippines Earthquake – Humanitarian Relief

The Canadian government has announced it will match donations to the Typhoon Haiyan Relief Fund made by Canadians between November 9th and December 9th. Contributions made to the Archdiocese of Toronto for this relief effort will be eligible for the matching program.

We offer our prayers for the victims of this natural disaster and those who have been displaced. Thank you for your ongoing efforts to help those in crisis.


Your prepared casseroles (frozen please) will be collected at the Masses next weekend for delivery to the Good Shepherd Centre. More volunteers are needed to help feed the hungry in our city. Please get a copy of a casserole recipe and a pan and give it a try. Three recipes are available on St. Gabriel’s web site. Printed copies of the recipes are also available in the Parish Office. Remember to mark the label on the pan lid with the name of the casserole. For more information, you may contact Irene Albrecht at 416 221-2791.


We are having a Christmas Toy Drive for the Catholic Children’s Aid Society. Can you help by dropping off an unwrapped new toy for a child 0 to 12 years old? Containers will be set up at the doors of the Church from Saturday, November 24th until Sunday, December 15th .


During Advent, the Society of St Vincent de Paul will have a Giving Tree in the Gathering Space. The tree will be decorated with gift tags. Each tag will have the gender and age of a child. We invite you to take a tag, buy a gift of about $25.00 for that child and return the unwrapped gift, with the tag attached, to the box provided in the Gathering Space.

If you are a knitter, there will be mitten tags. Please take one and return mitts to the box in the Gathering Space.

At this time of the year, we are also thinking of the young mothers and babies of Rosalie Hall. If you wish, to help, you may choose a “Christmas Stocking” from the tree to purchase pyjamas or undershirts, for babies ages 6 to 18 months. Unwrapped Items with the original stocking tag attached can be left in the box provided near the “mitten” tree no later than December 12th. Toys for these little ones would also be appreciated.

For the Moms, we are suggesting gift cards from Shopper’s Drug Mart or Tim Hortons, Walmart or MacDonald’s. These can be placed in the envelopes provided and brought to the Parish Office. Thank you for your generous support!


Making Life Decisions — Inviting God on your Journey
Wednesday, November 20th – 7:00 P.M.
Jack Astor’s Bar & Grill
580 Progress Ave (Near Scarborough Town Centre)

Faith Connections, the Office of Catholic Youth, and the local parishes invite you to join us for an evening of thought-provoking conversation on theological topics! Munchies provided, cash bar available – come and bring a friend!

Special guest: Bishop Vincent Nguyen, Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto.

Bishop Nguyen will reflect on being attentive to God when we make decisions both big (i.e. what is my vocation?) and small (i.e. should I change jobs?). His Excellency will also share some of his own story. For more information: visit our Toronto Theology on Tap web page, or contact OCY by e-mail youth@ocytoronto.org or phone 416-599-7676. Your RSVP would be appreciated.


Journeying with Mary and Joseph Today

Saturday, November 30th from 10A.M. – 5:30 P.M.
Scarboro Missions, 2685 Kingston Rd, Scarborough

Faith Connections and Scarboro Missions invite young adults (18-39) to join them for a Saturday Advent retreat, with guest speakers, prayer, and quiet reflection time guided by scripture—including lunch and the Sunday liturgy. Cost: $35 (if a concern, contact us). Registration required by November 22nd: e-mail faithconnections@csj-to.ca, phone 416-467-2645 or visit www.faithconnections.ca.


Our operating expenses average $14,550 per week.
Collection for November 10th, 2013

Envelopes 408 $10,429
Loose Change $1,126
Weekly Portion of PAG 182 $3,519 (Pre-Authorized Giving)
Total $15,074

Maintenance – November 3rd, 2013 $7,313.95


You can now use your credit card to make your recurring or one-time Offertory donations to St. Gabriel’s. Your donations may earn you valuable points, travel miles or cash back! A classic case of giving and receiving!

Simply log on to the Archdiocese of Toronto website (www.archtoronto.org) select “Donate Now”, “Our Parish”, “Toronto East”, then pick “St. Gabriel Catholic Parish” under Parish in the Donation Information section. Complete all required information.

Remember that your tax receipt for a recurring offertory donation will be issued to you by the Archdiocese at the end of the year. For a one-time gift, your tax receipt is emailed to you immediately.


The 2014 Offertory Boxed Envelopes will be available in the Gathering Space at the end of November. Please inform the Parish Office if you have recently moved or are new to the Parish so that we may update our records and label your box correctly. If you are on the Pre- Authorized Giving Plan, you will still receive a smaller green box of envelopes since these include Initial, New Year’s, Christmas, Easter and Maintenance envelopes. You may contact the Parish Office if you do not have envelopes but would like a box for 2014.

Thank you for your continuing support!