Bulletin – February 8, 2015


As was said at all the Masses last weekend, “The generosity of the parishioners of St. Gabriel’s has been legend.” It has been proven again. Up to last Monday morning, Family of Faith pledges have been received totaling $700,778. We still have a way to go to reach our Parish goal of $900,000. For those parishioners who have handed in their pledge forms – thank you!

For those of you who are still considering or have not handed in your pledge form, please do so as soon as possible – either after Mass today in the gathering space or at the parish office.


Saturday, March 7th

GOOD NEWS! Father Bob Joerger, CP, the Provincial Superior of the St. Paul of the Cross Province of the Passionists, has very kindly accepted our invitation to come and preach this year’s Lenten retreat for us. Many of us may remember him for the wonderful homily he gave last November when he visited us at St Gabriel’s. He talked about how, at the last moments of his father’s life, he gave his father the freedom to die, while his father in turn, gave him the freedom to live. That exchange of love is like our relationship with God – our allowing God to use our lives as God sees fit, while God blesses us with talents so that we can have life abundantly.

This year’s Lenten retreat is not an event you would want to miss! Please mark your calendar – Saturday, March 7th, 2015 Details about the retreat will follow once they are available.


The first of two synods (“synods” are meetings attended by Bishops from around the world) called by Pope Francis to discuss the issues of the Family took place in October 2014. The second synod will take place in October 2015. In preparation for the upcoming synod, Cardinal Collins has invited Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto to offer informed insights on specific topics, which will be gathered to be considered by the synod.

Full details, including the background document, can be found at: www.archtoronto.org/synod – the deadline for submission of feedback, either by email or mail, is February 16th, 2015.

Here are the highlights of some of the questions for which parishioners are invited to offer insights:

1) In light the Church’s teaching, in which the primary elements of marriage are unity, indissolubility and openness to life, what criteria are taken into consideration for a proper pastoral discernment of particular situations (e.g., couples living common-law, in a civil marriage, etc.)? (II.6)

2) With regard to the divorced and remarried, pastoral practice concerning the sacraments needs to be further studied, including assessment of the practice of Orthodox churches What are the frames of reference in which to proceed? What steps are possible? What suggestions can be offered to resolve forms of undue or unnecessary impediments? (II.8)

3) While avoiding any unjust discrimination, how can family members with homosexual tendencies receive pastoral care in these situations in light of the Gospel? (II.9)

4) How can parents and the Christian family be made aware that the duty of transmitting the faith is an intrinsic aspect of being a Christian? (III.13)

5) In our pastoral activity what are the best practices of accompanying couples in the initial years of family life? (I.2.k)


February 9th to 14th, 2015

MONDAY – RALPH BARDOWELL – Requested by a Friend
TUESDAY – GRACE DI ANGELO – Requested by Paul & Wai Chin Hwang
WEDNESDAY – GUS CALDERONE – Requested by Marie Calderone
THURSDAY – AL DONEGAN – Requested by Kathleen & Peter Donegan
FRIDAY – TONINO DIDIODATO – Requested by Dina Oakie
SATURDAY – VIOLET PREVIDSA – Requested by the Family


Saturday, February 28th at 10:30 AM

St. Gabriel’s Church

First Reconciliation for children attending St. Gabriel’s School, and those in the Children’s Faith Program and children attending Private Schools will be held at St. Gabriel’s Church on Saturday, February 28th at 10:30 AM.


Together we are continuing to work wonders…

“(The common good…) it means protecting people, showing loving concern for each and every person, especially children, the elderly, those in need, who are often the last we think about.” – Pope Francis

Pope Francis encourages us to show loving concern for each other, and in so doing care for those who are often forgotten. As a Catholic community, how does the challenge to show this love for our neighbour manifest itself across our archdiocese? Through ShareLife agencies, we reach out to some of the most vulnerable and needy people in our community, helping our neighbours, friends and fellow parishioners as they work through difficult times. As we begin the ShareLife Campaign, please consider ways of supporting ShareLife, our annual Archdiocesan appeal, during this approaching Lenten season.
-Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto

First ShareLife Sunday – March 1, 2015

Please give generously. You can work wonders!


Dear Friends,
Thanks to you, Christmas 2014 was spent by our young mothers along with their children, surrounded by your kindness and generosity. Most importantly, these young families you have supported have the knowledge that help came from a caring and compassionate community of Donors – people like you who value and care for others less fortunate. On behalf of all the grateful recipients of your Christmas spirit, thank you for your kindness and consideration, making Christmas 2014 one of joy and hope for every young mother, father and child! We wish you peace and prosperity in 2015.


Catholics urged to Support Physicians’ Charter

Right of Freedom of Conscience and Religion

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) in a proposed new draft document states: “Where physicians are unwilling to provide certain elements of care due to their moral or religious beliefs, an effective referral to another health care provider must be provided to the patient”. Catholic physicians believe that a mandate for an “effective referral” is a violation of a physician’s rights, as it compels the physician to violate his or her own conscience by being a participant in the very act, the very procedure to which he or she objects in the first place. The CPSO is accepting submissions from all Ontario citizens until February 20. We are all called to inform the CPSO in writing that we reject the proposed “effective referral” mandate for doctors whose Charter right of freedom of conscience and religion must be respected. The Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) is one Catholic lay group coordinating these efforts. Go to www.ccrl.ca to find out more and to get involved.


Our operating expenses average $14,550 per week.

Collection for Last Weekend

Envelopes 402 $ 8,593
Loose Change 931
Weekly Portion of Pre-Authorized Giving 164 3,701
Total 632 $ 13,225



Kindergarten Registration has begun for all Elementary Schools. Parents/guardians with children born in 2011 or earlier and who will be enrolling in Kindergarten, have the opportunity to apply on-line using the “Student On-line Admission and Registration” platform known as S.O.A.R. and found at the following link: http://soar.tcdsb.org.

Parents will be able to complete an application for registration online 24 hours a day. The on-line application also offers access to translations in different languages with built-in help functions and features. Alternately, families may choose to register in person at our school.

As part of the registration process, school staff will meet with parents. These meetings may be scheduled on the electronic application or in person at the school. During the meeting, school staff will verify the original documentation required for registration. This consists of a Baptismal Certificate, Birth Certificate and/or Passport, Immunization record, proof of residence and Application for Direction of School support.

Applications to register children in grades other than Kindergarten can also be done on the online S.O.A.R. application. Please share this information with any parents/guardians with school aged children in the community.

For further information, please contact our school office at 416-393-5256. For general inquires or further information you may contact 416-222-8282 or visit our website at www.tcdsb.org


Blessed Trinity Parish Hall

Tuesday, February 10th at 2:00 PM

The next meeting of the North York Retiree’s will be on Tuesday, February 10th at Blessed Trinity Church Hall. The meeting will feature guest speaker Drew Ellery of the Toronto Fire Department.
He will speak about “Fire Safety in the Home”. All retirees are cordially invited to attend.


Starting Ash Wednesday, February 18th at 6:30 PM

Regis College, 100 Wellesley St, Toronto

Faith Connections, Regis College, and the Toronto Area Vocation Directors Association invite you to Lenten Listening: A Busy Person’s Retreat, for young adults (18-39).This is an opportunity for young adults from different areas of the Archdiocese of Toronto to experience the gift of Spiritual Accompaniment this Lent.

The retreat will begin and end with a group gathering. In the six weeks between these gatherings, you will be invited to spend 15 minutes a day in prayer and meet with a spiritual companion in your area 3 times for 1 hour.

Beginning with liturgy, a light supper, an introduction to spiritual accompaniment and your spiritual companion at Regis College on Ash Wednesday, February 18th and closing with a light supper and Easter party social on Wednesday April 8th.

Cost is $25 (if a concern, please contact Regis College).

Registration is required by February 9th. – For more information, or to register, please call John-Paul Markides at 416-467-2645 or e-mail faithconnections@csj-to.ca


Weekend of February 7th/8th

Cardinal Collins has designated this weekend, February 7th/8th as Marriage Sunday in the Archdiocese of Toronto. The event provides an opportunity to honour husband and wife while saluting the faithfulness, sacrifice and joy that comes with the marriage covenant. To those preparing for marriage, newlyweds and those that have been companions on the journey for decades, we offer our prayers and best wishes in a special way this weekend. Let us celebrate the tremendous contributions of married couples who continue to strengthen our faith community. For more information and resources on marriage enrichment, visit: www.archtoronto.org/marriage


Saturday, February 21st, 2015 at 9:00AM

Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery

Catholic Cemeteries and the Archdiocese of Toronto estate planning team will share:

– How to protect your loved ones with a proper Will
– How to ensure your wishes are legally protected
– About Powers of Attorney and Estate Trustee selection
– The cost savings of making an estate plan
– Finding lawyers and estate planning advisors
– Our Catholic traditions around Wills, burial and funerals

An estate planning kit and DVD will be provided at no cost. Refreshments will be provided.

RSVP: Frank Jannetta, Catholic Cemeteries
416-733-8544 ext. 2023 or fjannetta@cc-fs.ca