Saturday, February 27th is the feast of St. Gabriel.
St. Gabriel, a member of the Passionist Community, was born Francis Possenti on March 1, 1838 in Assisi. In September, 1856 he entered the Passionist novitiate but before his ordination, he contracted tuberculosis. He died February 27, 1862 at the age of 24. Francis had a special devotion to Mary and chose as his religious name Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin. He is remembered for his enthusiasm in life and his extraordinary generosity. Pope John XXIII proclaimed him as a special Patron of Youth. Mass will be celebrated as usual at 4:30 PM on Saturday.
Encountering Christ, the King of Mercy, in the time of Lent
Father Nicholas Obiero, CP
Wednesday March 2nd from 7:30 to 9:00 PM
St. Gabriel’s Parish
Father Nicholas is a Passionist from Kenya. He is working towards a doctorate in Pastoral Theology at St. Michael’s College of the University of Toronto.
The St. Gabriel’s Children’s Faith Program is a Parish faith program for children in Grade SK to 8 who attend Public and Private schools. The program is run by volunteer teachers who dedicate their time and service to this ministry. Over the last number of years, this program has been successfully coordinated by Lynette Fernandes and Mary Innocente. Both has worked as a team to oversee the program and ensured it ran smoothly.
Both have indicated that they would be retiring from the program. On behalf of our parish we wish to thank them for their great effort, service and dedication towards this good work.
This program is an important ministry to the families that come to our parish. Many of our children were and are still part of the program and we know how valuable this ministry is to our parish life. If you are interested in coordinating, or be a volunteer teacher/assistant at this program, you may call 416-221-8866 ext. 224, email francis.ng@bellnet.ca or leave your name and contact number with the parish office.
Saturday, February 27th at 10:30 AM
St. Gabriel’s Church
First Reconciliation for children attending St. Gabriel’s School, and those in the Children’s Faith Program and children attending Private Schools will be held at St. Gabriel’s Church on Saturday, February 27th at 10:30 AM.
This Sunday, February 21st after 12:30 PM Mass
For many years, the Asian community in our parish has gifted our parish community with a wonderful Lunar New Year Party. This year is the Year of the Monkey. Our Lunar New Year Party will take place this Sunday, February 21st after the 12:30 PM Mass in the Gathering Space. All are welcome.
Interviews for children who wish to receive their First Communion are now being scheduled. Those children attending the Children’s Faith Program, private schools or others are asked to choose one of the following dates: April 5th, 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 14th , 19th, 20th .21st, 27th or 28th
Children from St. Gabriel’s School are asked to choose one of the following dates: May 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 17th, 18th, 19th or 20th.
Please call the Parish Office at 416-221-8866 to book your appointment with Fr. Brando.
February 22nd to February 27th, 2016
MONDAY – ARMANDO DI NARDO – Requested by Pasqua Di Nardo & Family
TUESDAY – EMMA ROSE MACARAEG – Requested by Albert Macaraeg
WEDNESDAY – JIM LECKIE – Requested by Helen Leckie
FRIDAY – WILLIE PEAKE – Requested by Sr. Jacqui de Verteuil
SATURDAY – ADAM & JANET TRUDEL – Requested by Gilles Trudel
Working wonders for those entering the priesthood.
“I am aware that what is given to me here is because of the generosity of many benefactors, including ShareLife, to whom I am very grateful. Last year, I graduated from Philosophy at St. Philip Neri Oratory with Summa Cum Laude, and this would not have been possible without the contribution of many benefactors. I am sure that whatever is given to me is for the sake of the mission that the Lord is preparing for me, and I thank ShareLife for their generous contribution to the work that God has prepared for me.”
Simon Ibrahim, Redemptoris Mater Seminarian.
At ShareLife-funded agencies such as Serra House, St. Augustine’s and Redemptoris Mater Seminaries, individuals undergo extensive theological education and practical field training. Through ShareLife, you are helping to sustain vocations for the priesthood and inspire discernment for God’s call. Last year ShareLife helped support 80 seminarians in their formation studies.
Sunday March 13, 2016 is ShareLife Sunday
Please give generously. You can work wonders!
Next weekend, Sharon Gusz, a volunteer for Milk Bags Unlimited, will be available after all Masses to demonstrate the transformation of the outer milk bags into comfortable sleeping mats. As you continue to save your milk bags please ensure that they are dry and clear of any milk prior to bringing them to the church. For further details please feel free to contact Sharon at sharongusz@gmail.com.
Your prepared casseroles (frozen please) will be collected at the Masses next weekend for delivery to the Good Shepherd Centre.
More volunteers are needed to help feed the hungry in our city. Please get a copy of a casserole recipe and a pan and give it a try. Three recipes are available on St. Gabriel’s web site. Printed copies of the recipes are also available in the Parish Office. Please remember to mark the label on the pan lid with the name of the casserole.
For more information, you may contact Irene Albrecht at 416 221-2791.
Fair trade organic coffees will be on sale after all the Masses next weekend.
Regular ground coffee: $5.50
Decaffeinated: $6.00
Whole Beans: $5.50
Chocolate Bars: $4.50 incl. Taxes
Hot Chocolate and Cocoa: $6.00
Teas: $5.00
Each month food we collect is sent to Rosalie Hall and the Good Shepherd Centre.
Rosalie Hall assists young parents and their children to realize their potential through the provision of a wide range of community, residential, educational and child development services.
Good Shepherd provides hot meals and shelter for the homeless in our city as well as a chance to start again through the Resettlement or DARE Programs
With everyone struggling at this time, your food donations are more important than ever. Please check the expiry dates before donating since we cannot pass on food that has expired. Thank you for your generous support.
February 26th, 27th, March 4th, and 5th at 7:30 PM
Brebeuf College School
211 Steeles Ave., Willowdale
Toronto Catholic District School Board Staff Arts presents the Neil Simon comedy “Rumors.”
Tickets are $20. To purchase go to www.tcdsb.org/staffarts or phone 416-222-8282, ext. 2787.
Blessed Trinity Parish Hall
Tuesday, February 23rd at 2:00 PM
The next meeting of the North York Retiree’s will be feature guest speaker, Don McKay. His topic is “Remembering the Toronto Ice Storm, 2013”
All retirees are cordially invited to attend.
Friday, March 4th at 1:00 PM
St. Gabriel’s Church
The annual ecumenical World Day of Prayer Service, entitled “Receive Children, Receive Me” will be held at Trinity Presbyterian Church on Friday March 4th at 1:00 PM. The Church is located on the east side of Bayview Avenue just south of the 401.
Please join us, along with our neighbour Christian churches, in prayer and reflection. All are welcome to attend.
Beginning Friday February 26th at 7:00 PM
St. Augustine’s Seminary
The Office of Vocations is hosting a COME & SEE WEEKEND at St. Augustine’s Seminary from Friday February 26th at 7:00 PM to Sunday February 28th at 1.30 PM. Time will be provided to pray, to learn what seminary formation is about and time to interact and socialize with the Seminarians & Priests of the Seminary. The weekend offers opportunities for Communal Prayer, Mass, Adoration & Confession. For more information call 416-968-0997 or email vocations@archtoronto.org.
Saturday, February 27th from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre, Mississauga
A Lenten Retreat for Men will be held at Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre on Saturday, February 27th from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Deacon Doctor Greg DeMarchi will preach on the theme:”God’s mercy as an entrance to prayer and spiritual life.” A coffee cart with muffins will be available on arrival: and a full hot meal at lunch is included.
To register please call 905-278-5229.
Our operating expenses average $14,550 per week.
Collection for February 14th, 2016:
Envelopes 373 $ 6,450
Loose Change 940
Weekly Portion of Pre-Authorized Giving 167 3,164
Total 540 $ 10,554
If you are contributing cash to the Offertory Collection without any identification, you will not receive credit for your contribution. If you are not currently using parish envelopes and wish to have a set issued for 2016, you may contact the Parish Office and we will prepare a box for you. This is the most effective way to keep track of your donations.
Please inform the Parish Office if you have recently moved, so that we may keep our parish records up to date.
Please do not use any envelopes from any prior year as the number on it may have been reassigned.