Fr. Rick Frechette wishes to extend his heartfelt thanks for the generosity of St. Gabriel’s Parish Community for the aid and support of his mission in Haiti. It is very much appreciated.
Please keep Fr. Rick and his team in your prayers as they continue to work in this necessary but dangerous situation.
The youth group will be having their annual Mothers’ Day fundraiser to raise funds for their attendance at the Steubenville Conference in July. This will be the youth’s 6th year participating in the conference.
They will be selling flowers, rosaries, and other lovely gifts for mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and aunts at all masses during the May 11th /12th weekend. Please support our youth!
A big thank you to our wonderful parishioners at St. Gabriel’s for your generous baked goods donations and purchases at the D & P Bake sale. Our community can be proud that we raised a total of $1538.20 for Fr. Rick Frechette’s Haiti Mission and take joy in the message of Jesus “in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers and sister of mine, you did it to me.”
May 6th – May 11th, 2019
MONDAY – MAURICE MICHAEL – Requested by Charmaine Michael
TUESDAY – CATHERINE MINNAN-WONG – Requested by her sister Noreen
WEDNESDAY – MARIE CALDERONE – Requested by Anna Milone
THURSDAY – ALLAN PERSAUD – Requested by the Persaud & Goldenberg Families
FRIDAY – RICHARD CHUCHRA – Requested by Jack & Wanda Wrobel
SATURDAY – FR. JOSEPH PAUL – Requested by Sophie & Candida Pereira
Beginning on May 19th, we will be accepting requests for announced Masses on Sundays at the 10:30 AM and 12:30 PM Masses.
Sunday, May 5th at 11:30 AM in the Gabriel Room
On the first Sunday of each month, the Passionist Centre for Ecology and Spirituality facilitates a 30 minute reflection and discussion prompted by the readings for that Sunday’s liturgy.
All are welcome to attend. This will be the last Eco-Sabbath until the fall.
There are still several children who have not been registered for their First Communion interview.
Interviews began on Tuesday, April 23rd and will continue until Friday May 10th. They are scheduled every 15 minutes from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday.
Please call the Parish Office at 416-221-8866-to book your appointment with Fr. Brando or Fr. John as soon as possible.
English: Rosary – Saturday, May 4th at 3:15 PM in the Gabriel Room
Chinese Rosary – Sunday May 5th 3:30 PM in the Gabriel Room
For information, please contact Linda Law at 416-918-8029.
Friday, May 3rd from 9:30 AM to 12 Noon
“Living as Joyful Disciples.”
Catholic Education Week 2019
Catholic Education Week 2019 begins on Sunday, May 5th. The Catholic schools in our parish will engage in a series of events to celebrate the ongoing gift of publicly funded Catholic education. You are invited to discover what celebrations are happening in your children’s school and if possible, attend. Publicly funded Catholic education has existed in Ontario since 1841 and its graduates have served Ontario and Canada very well. The current generation of students in our publicly funded Catholic schools will serve with the same spirit and generosity as their previous generations.
This year’s Catholic Education Week theme is “Living as Joyful Disciples.”
It is important for you to know that to be hired to teach in any Catholic School Board in Ontario, as part of your application for employment, there must be a letter of reference from your pastor. If you are planning to apply to teach in a Catholic School, a contact with the pastor is highly recommended. Please plan to have a conversation with your Pastor early in the process, well before applications are to be submitted.
Leprosy Mission of Canada Stamp Collection Program
Make a difference with your mail! You can get involved by collecting, trimming and sending your used postage stamps to Effect Hope, the Leprosy Mission of Canada.
Please place stamps in the basket provided outside the Parish Office.
Living the Gospel by providing for those in need
Today is our second ShareLife Collection weekend. As we “live the Gospel by providing for those in need,” we are reminded of the Gospel value to”love one another as I have loved you”.
Through ShareLife, we are able tobring this value to life through the work of over 40 agencies, caring for families in crisis, people with special needs, the elderly, immigrants and refugees, and children and youth. In addition, our support provides for the formation of our clergy and for international programs in the developing world.
This Sunday, May 5th is ShareLife Sunday.
Please give generously.
ShareLife Results for Previous Campaigns
2016 $190,334.25
2017 $217,507.08
2018 $172,230.78
OUR GOAL FOR 2019 $180,000
Collection to Date: $43,665
Each month the food we collect is sent to Rosalie Hall and the Good Shepherd Centre.
Rosalie Hall assists young parents and their children to realize their potential while Good Shepherd provides hot meals and shelter for the homeless in our city.
Your food donations are more important than ever as the numbers of needy people continue to increase. Please check the expiry dates before donating since we cannot pass on food that has expired. Thank you for your generous support.
Thank you to the volunteers who prepared 46 casseroles for April. For May, your prepared frozen casseroles will be collected at the Masses on the weekend of May 25th/26th for delivery to the Good Shepherd Centre.
More volunteers are needed to become active in helping to feed our less fortunate sisters and brothers. Three different recipes are available in the Parish Office or online at the Church website. Casserole pans are also available in the Parish Office. If you require more information please contact Irene Albrecht at 416-221-2791.
Sunday, May 19th, 2019 at 2:00 PM
Blessed Trinity Parish Hall
The Catholic Women’s League, Blessed Trinity Council invites you to a Family Afternoon Tea on Sunday, May 19th at 2:00 PM at Blessed Trinity Parish Hall.
There will be entertainment, prizes, & loads of fun in store!
Wear your hats & fascinators!
The cost is $10 per person or $25 for a family of 3 or 4 persons.
5km Fundraising Walk and Hug
Saturday, May, 11th, 2019
Registration from 8:30 to 9:30 AM at Fort York
9:30 AM Registration Closes.
10:00 AM Walk to SickKids begins.
The eighteenth annual Meagan’s Walk: – Creating a Circle of Hope will take place on Saturday, May 11th. You may register online at meaganswalk.com. Registration also opens at 8:30 AM at Fort York, followed by family activities and entertainment. Registration closes at 9:30 AM. The Walk begins at 10:00 AM. and concludes at SickKids with the “Hug”.
Over the last 18 years, proceeds of over 5 million dollars from this event have been directed toward paediatric brain tumour research, faster diagnoses, personalized treatments and improved outcomes for young people faced with brain tumours and treatment of paediatric brain tumours at SickKids.
Weekend of May 31st to June 2nd.
“Clear out the old yeast, so that you may become a fresh batch of dough.” 1 Corinthians 5
Do you need to rest your burden? Project Rachel can help.
St. Mary’s Refuge is holding a weekend retreat for women whose hearts have been broken by abortion. Project Rachel is private and confidential. The retreat will be held on the weekend of May 31st to June 2nd. If you are interested, please e-mail ProjectRachel@stmarysrefuge.org or call 416-629-8264.
Join us for the spring planting of seedlings and seeds on Saturday, May 18th at 10:00.AM. In the event of significant rain, planting will be moved to Monday, May 20th at 10:00 AM. Everyone, including children, is welcome to come and get your hands in the soil!
For more information on the Garden Ministry, contact Heather Bennett at heathermjb@gmail.com.