Homily – March 22, 2020

Are you going stir crazy? Do you feel the walls are closing in around you? Do you ‘just want to get out the house? These are hard times for everyone. Are you one of those people who are off the job because the place where you work has been closed down? Are you lucky enough to be able to work from home? Will we ever get back to normal? Let’s hope not. Even though we were not locked in our homes we were locked into IPad and so many other technologies that isolated us from inter-personal relationships with one another.

You’ve heard me say different times that ‘we did not weave the web of life; we are strands in the web and what we do to the web we do to ourselves.’ We belong to the family of life, even the virus family. One author I read put it this way,

“In a globalised world our lives are so intertwined that the idea of viewing ourselves as islands – whether as individuals, communities, nations, or a uniquely privileged species – should be understood as evidence of false consciousness. In truth, we were always bound together, part of a miraculous web of life on our planet and, beyond it, stardust in an unfathomably large and complex universe.”

Today’s gospel from John tells of Jesus curing a man who was blind from birth. Maybe we could ask the healing Jesus to cure us of our failure to see our interconnectedness with all the life forms on Earth; our failure to see we are kin with all life. May we be blessed to see we are not islands nor are we meant to be rugged individuals. We are family and as family we care for one another. Just give a shut-in friend a phone call, the sound of the human voice is better than an e-mail.

We’re all in this together, the loneliness, the frustration, and the anxieties that are part of all our lives. So, we pray for and we reach out to one another. We are family!