Bulletin – April 18, 2021

Thank You! Thank You!

On behalf of the Parish,we would like to offer our heartfelt thanks to Marie Deans for her service as the Coordinator of the Lectors for the last several years. She was always encouraging and often sent beautiful seasonal prayers and songs to the lectors. Marie is stepping down from this Ministry but will continue to proclaim God’s Word. Thank you, Marie.

We also want to welcome Tanya Maraj who will be taking over as the Coordinator of the Lectors.


In order to attend Sunday Masses, a reservation for each attendee is required. Please review the Protocol for Sunday Mass celebrations before making any reservations. Please click Sunday Mass Reservations to make your reservations on Eventbrite. Registration is available on Wednesday of each week. Due to limited capacity, there will be no walk-ins allowed. If you have any difficulty in registering, please call the parish office during regular office hours.

There is no reservation required for the 9:00 am Monday to Friday weekday Mass but sign in upon arrival is required.

For the safety and health of our community, please remain home if you show or have any signs or symptoms of Covid-19. Under a City of Toronto by-law, all attendees are required to sanitize their hands and wear non-medical grade masks or face coverings throughout their entire time of attendance at church. Please remember to respect the physically distance rules of 2 metres (6 feet). We are looking forward to seeing you.


April 19th, 2021 to April 25th, 2021

MONDAY – OVUS & DELVINA PANKE & RITA & DAVID PYM – Requested by the Kilchling Family
TUESDAY – MAURICE PHILLIPPE – Requested by the Persaud Family
WEDNESDAY – SAU LIN HUI – Requested by Linda Law & Family
THURSDAY – THANKSGIVING – Requested by Suzanne Kim
FRIDAY – THANKSGIVING – Requested by Leila Mondejar
SATURDAY – FRANCIS REMY – Requested by Ruane Remy
SUNDAY – 10:30 AM
SUNDAY – 12:30 PM – LEAH FERNANDES – Requested by her Parents


Monday, April 19th to Saturday, April 24th

During this week, Fr. Matt McCarthy, Director, Office of Vocations, has asked that we all take some time, as a community, to pray for vocations to the priesthood, religious and consecrated life. At this time, we also ask that you pray for our 6 soon-to-be priests along with all those who are discerning and who are currently in formation. For more information, please contact your parish office, or email the Office of Vocations at vocations@archtoronto.org

Prayer for Vocations

O God, Who wills not the death of a sinner but rather that he be converted and live, grant we beseech you, through the intercession of the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, Saint Joseph, her spouse, St. Junipero Serra, and all the saints, an increase of laborers for your Church, fellow laborers with Christ to spend and consume themselves for souls through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen.


This weekend is ShareLife Sunday!

“Vulnerable members of our community are relying on you and me to ensure ongoing access to the care they so desperately need. This is why it’s crucial we meet our parish campaign goal of $13.8 million. Our goal can be met, but only if we each do our part.”
– Cardinal Thomas Collins

Our Parish goal this year is $187,000.
Today is ShareLife Sunday.
Please give generously.


Thank you for your generous support of Rosalie Hall and the Good Shepherd Centre. Your food donations are very much appreciated.

Rosalie Hall assists young parents and their children to realize their potential through the provision of a wide range of child development, community, residential and educational services.

Good Shepherd provides hot meals and shelter for the homeless in our city as well as a chance to start again through the Resettlement or DARE Programs.

Your food donations are more important than ever as Covid 19 continues and numbers of needy people continue to increase. Please check the expiry dates before donating since we cannot pass on food that has expired.


The weekend of May 15th/16th, 2021

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be collecting gently used clothing, shoes, textiles, bedding and towels to support our neighbors in need or to be sold to help support their special works in the community on the weekend of May 15th/16th.

They cannot accept books, dishes, furniture, appliances, mattresses, construction materials or videos and cassettes. Please bring your donations and help others in your community.

The truck will be open:
Saturday from 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Sunday from 8:00 AM to1:30 PM.

Volunteers will be there to assist with loading before and after Mass.


Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church” And Its Implications in the Global Context
A Virtual Event
Wednesday, April 21st from 12:00 to 1:30 PM

“For the Life of the World: Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church” was released in early 2020, after being authored by a commission of theologians specifically convened for this task by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I. This document has been discussed and evaluated in diverse ecclesial settings over the past year.

In this event, the scholars from Greek Orthodox Church, African Methodist Church, the Episcopal Church and a scholar from the University of Fribourg (Catholic) will be exploring some of questions and reflections raised by different Christian communities on the document’s aim of fostering spiritual growth and the pursuit of social justice and sustainable peace worldwide by the Church.

Please register at http://bit.ly/ForTheLifeOfTheWorld


Wednesday, April 21st from 7:30 to 8:30 PM

A Virtual Event Hosted by Catholic Conscience

Ours is a “throwaway culture,” in the words of Pope Francis — one in which the vulnerable are too-often discarded like trash. It doesn’t have to be this way. In his book, Resisting Throwaway Culture, Fordham University professor Charles Camosy calls us to transcend the left-right political divide in favour of a Catholic culture of hospitality and encounter where “no one is useless, no one is expendable… [and includes] those on the peripheries of life.” Join us for a free webinar with Professor Camosy about how a Consistent Life Ethic can unite us and build this political culture, one rooted in love and human dignity.

To register go to http://bit.ly/ThrowawayCultureCC


The garden has a life-cycle This is true not only of the plants but also of the birds and the animals that make it their home. In the past week, I buried an injured groundhog who had burrowed under a tarp to die, a small mammal, found in a garden bed and a tiny black bird.

In the same week, as I was working, our resident pair of cardinals stopped by to see what I was doing. This has happened before, that either the pair of cardinals or the pair of robins would come by together and observe. The visits are brief given, I presume, that there are eggs that need incubating or young that need feeding, but always a gift. Life in the garden, like life everywhere, is precious and joyous and fleeting.

Looking to deepen your connection with the land? Join the Garden Ministry at sgpgardenministry@gmail.com.


Offertory envelopes for 2021 are available at the parish Office. If you would like to pick yours up, please call before coming so that we will have them ready for you. If you are unable to pick yours up, please call the Parish Office and we will make other arrangements.