We can just imagine how terrified the disciples were during that sudden storm this was not there first storm, they were fisherman and used to sudden storms. It was the violence of this storm that caused their alarm but the fact that Jesus was asleep and seemly unaware of what was happening didn’t help matters. When they woke him up he imply stretched out his hands and told the raging waters to be still, and they obeyed. Why were you fearful, o ye of little faith?
Who wouldn’t be afraid?
I was caught in a storm on the water twice. One was in a sail boat and the boat owner was at a total loss as to what to do. We did get to shore. The other was in an outboard motor boat and it was in a hail storm. I can still remember the sound of the hail stones hitting the outboard motor and hitting the boat and hitting me. Not nice. I was frightened but I can’t remember praying.
I think most of us can relate to the fear and confusion felt by the apostles in that stormy night crossing of the Sea of Galilee.
We’ve all been living with the turbulence of this pandemic; our lives have been turned upside down. We’ve missed family gathering, we missed being able to visit family member in a hospital or nursing home. We missed being able to comfort a grieving friend. Think of the upset business people went through with now open then now closed for their places of business in jeproady.
Every day good people have to cope with such things as a messy divorce, alcoholic or drug addiction, the suicide of a friend or family member, the list is as long as the litany of the saints and we ask the honest question; do you not care that we are perishing?
O you of little faith. What is faith, fare more than mouthing the words, ‘I believe in God’ Faith is the willingness to say ‘you’ to God says you to each one of us.
Faith is trusting in that interpersonal bond each one of has to God, we call Father, the Father who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all.
Remember that popular song of a few years past…he’s got the whole world in his hands? We may honestly wonder if this is true, but that’s because we’re human and so often our simple prayer is; Lord I believe, help the little faith I have.