Bulletin – February 27, 2022


Tuesday, March 1st, 2022

As of Tuesday, March 1st, some Covid 19 restrictions will be lifted. Churches are allowed 100% capacity and you no longer have to register for Mass. There will be no physical distancing. However, masks are still required inside the building.


St. Gabriel’s Church,
Saturday, March 5th, 2022
1st session 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon,
2nd session 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Very soon we will begin the season of Lent, a time to prepare ourselves for the celebration of Easter. During Lent, we are encouraged to reflect on the Suffering, Passion and Death of Jesus. In this challenging time, we need to quiet ourselves and reflect about what’s going in the world and in our community. Please consider joining us for a few hours of quietude in prayer and reflection.

The Preacher will be Fr. Jim O’Shea, CP. Fr. Jim is the provincial of the Passionists of the St. Paul of the Cross Province. Many of you have met him when he last visited St. Gabriel’s in December. He has touched many hearts in his preaching.

The topic of our Lenten retreat is “Call to Prophecy”. It will be held on Saturday, March 5th, at St. Gabriel’s Parish. The 1st session is from 10:00AM to12 Noon and the 2nd session from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Come and be prepared to be inspired and be challenged to a deeper relationship with God.

All are welcome. There is no cost to attend. However, donations will be greatly appreciated. There is no need to register to attend this event. For more information, please call the parish office at 416-221-8866 or email stgabrielsparish@bellnet.ca


February 28th to March 6th, 2022

MONDAY – DR. AURORA ALESNA ANG ✞ – Requested by the Mariano Family
TUESDAY – RUANE REMY – Requested by Debra
WEDNESDAY – ASH WEDNESDAY – Masses at 9:00, 12:00 and 7:30, No Special Intentions
SATURDAY – MARIE & MAURICE SAAD ✞ – Requested by Laila Kozman
SUNDAY – 10:30 AM – ANNA KIM ✞ – Requested by Suzanne Kim
SUNDAY – 12:30 PM – CORAZON MALUNAS ✞ – Requested by the Family


Wednesday, March 2nd,2022

March 2nd is Ash Wednesday. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 AM, 12:00 Noon and 7:30 PM. Ashes will be distributed at all three Masses.


Stations of the Cross will take place each Friday evening during Lent at 7:30 PM.

We also encourage your attendance at our daily Mass throughout Lent.


Thank you for your generous support of Rosalie Hall and the Good Shepherd Centre.

Your food donations are more important than ever as Covid 19 remains with us and numbers of needy people continue to increase. Please check the expiry dates before donating since we cannot pass on food that has expired.


Theme: Walk in Wisdom
Wisdom Circle of Faith Friends

This is a small conversation group of persons in the second half of life who will gather on Zoom to reflect and share insights and questions from their life experience within the context of faith.

Dates: Five weekly gatherings on Zoom on Tuesdays from
2:30 to 4:00 PM – March 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, April 5th.

Process: In preparation for each session, a reflection guide will be sent by email to each participant. Conversation will be facilitated by Mary Rose Marrin CSJ, Retired Maturing Adults Minister. Sister Malou will serve as the host for the Zoom session.

Registration: contact Sr. Malou at StGabrielMMA@gmail.com


The next session of the Writing Circle will be held on March 25th.


Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre
2325 Liverpool Rd., Pickering
Monday, February 28th from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

A day retreat open to men and women. The day will start at 9:00 AM with coffee and muffins. There will be sessions in our chapel on the theme, “Choosing to be part of the Church.” There will be time for private prayer, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and reconciliation. Lunch is provided. The day ends with Mass. Facilitated by Fr. Robert Foliot, SJ. A suggested offering of $50 per person.

To register go to www.manresa-canada.ca or contact registration@manresa.ca


Phase One

Last December, Fr. Jim O’Shea, the Passionist Provincial, visited St. Gabriel’s to speak about the Passionist Jubilee Synod in Toronto. The goal of this synod is to listen to the voices of the marginalized in our parish community and to propose a vision for the work of the Passionists in Canada. This synod is a time our community to gather to explore serious issues, to listen to and learn from one another, to imagine how to address the issue in order to move into a better future, and to report these findings – all with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The synod process has now begun with Phase One, which is focused on the theme of gratitude. This phase will be facilitated virtually through an online blog, where participants are welcome to share their gratitude for St. Gabriel’s Parish and the Passionists’ missions in Canada. The blog is now open to all parishioners.

Please visit the parish website for more information, or you can visit www.stgabrielsynod.blogspot.com to access the blog directly. On the blog website, please see “Using the Blog” for instructions on posting on the blog and commenting on posts.


This Sunday, Feb 27th, we celebrate the Feast of St. Gabriel, the Patron Saint of youth.

Hi! My name is Yvon and I have been part of the parish youth group for about five years. I started out as a clueless Grade 8 student trying to establish a social life as a new immigrant to Canada. As an introvert, it was not easy to adjust. But now, I can confidently say that I would not be where and who I am today without the numerous experiences and wisdom that I have accumulated through being involved in the youth group.

In today’s day and age, surrounding yourself with the right type of people and environment is no easy task. Trust, being a foundation of healthy relationships, definitely isn’t easy to find and takes time to establish. However, despite all the uncertainties, it bears a sweet fruit – like what I have experienced though my fellow youth group members. Their presence always made me feel comfortable and safe, much like home. There was not a single moment where I never felt accepted and included whenever we would have our gatherings.

This reminds me of St. Gabriel’s saying: “Our perfection does not consist of doing extraordinary things but to do the ordinary well”. By just being ourselves and accepting each other’s differences, we successfully come together as a group and as a community to accomplish ordinary things that can leave an impact on another person. This for me is perfection. I am extremely grateful for everything that has happened thus far. Here’s to more street patrols, tree planting days, talent nights, Christmas videos, Steubenville Conferences, & social nights!

Stay tuned for future updates from our parish youth group!


The 2022 Offertory envelopes are available for those who did not pick them up. When you attend Mass, please remember to pick up your box of envelopes.


Donors With Incomplete Information

If you are making a cash donation and are not using your numbered envelopes, please ensure that your name and address are neatly printed on the envelope.

For example, we have received donations in cash where the name is not legible with a missing phone number or address.

If you want to receive a tax receipt, please ensure that you provide the above information.


Special Collection, Weekend of March 5th/ 6th

The Church building is approaching her 16th year of operation. Most equipment and machinery that keep the building functional are often not visible. This equipment has undergone regular checks and maintenance to ensure that they function properly and efficiently. Some of these have reached a critical milestone that would require major repairs or even a replacement. These items are classified as the “must haves” in our long-term budget.

One of the two project that we plan to undertake in 2022 is a major repair on the living wall. The living wall has not been in the best shape. We are in the process of identifying the issue and are close to a resolution. It involves the engineering components that reside behind the wall. Once this is resolved we can then reconstruct the external visible living wall to one that we are usually proud to associate with St. Gabriel’s Parish.

The second under consideration is asphalt resurfacing of the south parking lot. The condition is deteriorating and may pose problems in the near future if it is not repaired.

We cannot achieve these milestones without your continued support and contribution to the maintenance funds. A special collection is planned for March 5th/6th, 2022 weekend. Please be as generous as your means allow.