November 19th, 2022
Following Fr. Jim O Shea’s recent visit, we are all invited to join another gathering on Saturday, November 19th. Mark your calendars and come be part of the process of determining the vibrant Passionist mission at St Gabriel’s.
At this time, we would like to update our Parish records.
If you have changed your address, telephone number or email address, please let us know. Thank you for your cooperation.
Cardinal Collins has requested that a weekend Mass attendance count be conducted annually in all parishes and missions of the Archdiocese. This year the attendance count will continue on the weekends of October 15th/16th and 22nd/23rd.
The purpose of this very important count is to have a more accurate assessment of the number of people attending Mass on a weekend.
When you come in for Mass, you may notice a few “counters” clicking on tally counters at the doors of the church. The counters will be doing their jobs in a way as discreetly and non-intrusively as possible.
The Parent Meeting for those parents whose children will receive their First Communion in the spring will be on October 27th at 7:30 PM. It will be held here at the Church.
October 24th to October 30th
MONDAY – PAULINE CHIU–LAU & KEITH LAU – Requested by the Chiu Sisters
TUESDAY – PETER KO – Requested by the Chiu Sisters
WEDNESDAY – PATRICK MADDEN ✞ – Requested by his Family
THURSDAY – HAW CHING FAT ✞ – Requested by Y.L. Kok
FRIDAY – EDWARD FREITAS – Requested by Megan Freitas
SATURDAY – DRAGICA PETROVIC ✞ – Requested by Mira Petranovic
SUNDAY – 10:30 AM – JOHN HUYBERS ✞ – Requested by Mary Huybers
SUNDAY – 12:30 PM – SUK YUK CHAN ✞ – Requested by Selina Kan
Saturday November 5th at 2:00 PM
Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Services – Archdiocese of Toronto wishes to invite all families to participate in the All Souls’ Day Mass on Saturday November 5th at 2:00 PM.
All Masses will be held indoors at the following locations:
- Assumption Cemetery, Mississauga – Our Lady of Fatima Mausoleum
- Christ the King Cemetery, Markham – Reception Centre
- Holy Cross Cemetery, Thornhill – Holy Family Mausoleum
- Queen of Heaven Cemetery, Woodbridge – St. Anthony’s Mausoleum (Liturgy in Italian and English)
- Resurrection Cemetery, Whitby – Our Lady of the Assumption Mausoleum
Collection October 29th/30th
For October, your prepared frozen casseroles are being collected at the Masses next weekend for delivery to the Good Shepherd Centre.
More volunteers are needed to become active in helping to feed our less fortunate sisters and brothers. Three different recipes are available in the Parish Office or online at the Parish website. Casserole pans are also available from the Parish Office. If you require more information, please contact Irene Albrecht at 416-221-2791.
Are you able to host a Ukrainian Family?
When hearing reports of the war in Ukraine, and the millions of Ukrainians that have been forced to flee their homeland, many have asked what they can do to help. Over 80,000 Ukrainians have already arrived to Canada through a special visa program created by Immigration Canada. An additional 500,000 have applied to the program and are expected to arrive in the coming months.
Many are arriving to Toronto and are without family here in Canada to help them. Among those will be some who are vulnerable to human trafficking, particularly seniors, single women, and women with children. There is an immediate need for families to host for a period of between one and six months some of those who have arrived. If you would like to learn more about hosting a Ukrainian family, please go to Archdiocese of Toronto – Ukrainian Crisis ( and register for a virtual information session.
There will be a second collection today for the Evangelization of the Nations, otherwise known as World Mission Sunday. This is a worldwide collection for the missionary church and it is our opportunity to assist at-need Catholic communities globally. Offerings are combined with offerings from other Catholics around the world and distributed to missions and dioceses. We are called to share from our abundance with those less fortunate who lack the basic essentials to know, love and praise God. Thank you for your support of this important work.
Devastating floods in Pakistan have displaced hundreds of thousands, at one point leaving a third of the country inundated with water. More than 1,500 people have died following record rainfall with 33 million throughout the country affected by this disaster.
Since June, Pakistan has experienced three times more rainfall than an average monsoon season. Flooding and landslides have destroyed homes, crops, health centres, roads and bridges.
There is an elevated risk of the spread of malaria, dengue fever and other diseases. Priorities include clean water, shelter and health care for those directly affected by this tragic situation.
The Archdiocese of Toronto will channel donations through Catholic partners (including Caritas Canada – Development and Peace as well as the Archdiocese of Karachi) to support relief efforts underway. Please note that these organizations are not subject to the government matching funds program.
Those wishing to help may do so in the following ways:
- Online through the Archdiocese of Toronto website –
- By phone through the Development Office
- Through the parish, making cheques payable to: St. Gabriel’s Parish – Pakistan Floods – Humanitarian Relief
Thank you for your generous support of Rosalie Hall and the Good Shepherd Centre. Your food donations are more important than ever as Covid 19 continues and numbers of needy people continue to increase. Please check the expiry dates before donating since we cannot pass on food that has expired.
October 29th from 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM
St. Paul’s Basilica
Are you Caribbean or of Caribbean descent? If so, join us for this free special event at the historic St. Paul’s Basilica in Toronto, on Saturday, October 29th, 2022. Come and learn about the importance of a Will, Powers of Attorney & Estate Planning as well as Catholic teachings and traditions around burials and cremation. This day offers lots more!
A Light Breakfast
A musical interlude featuring members of Our Lady of Good Counsel Caribbean Music Ministry
A tour of the beautiful St. Paul’s Basilica; the oldest Roman Catholic Church in Toronto
To register or receive further information, send us an email to: or call us at 416-934-3400 ext. 561/519 with the following information: Full Name, Parish
*Space is limited so please register early!
October 24th, 2022
A municipal election will be held tomorrow, Monday, October 24th, 2022. All Catholics are strongly encouraged to exercise their democratic right to vote to ensure your vote for Catholic School Board Trustee, at the polling booth, verify that you are registered as a separate school supporter. If your support status is incorrect ask for an Application to Amend Voters’ List. This form may be completed and submitted at the polling station. Thank you for your interest and involvement in this fall’s municipal election!
WALKING TOGETHER: Highlights of the Papal Visit
October 25th from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Blessed Trinity Parish
Head over to Blessed Trinity Parish for an evening with Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann from Salt and Light Media, from 6:30pm-8:00pm on October 25th where he will walk us through the highlights of the papal visit and the road ahead for reconciliation between the Catholic Church and the indigenous people. To register for this free event, please visit or email Visit to watch the original documentary – ‘Walking Together’.
Thank you to everyone who made our Blueberry Crisp Raffle fundraiser a stunning success. Congratulations to the winners; we hope you enjoyed St. Gabe’s berries! We enjoyed meeting you and are grateful for the funds you provided for the care of the garden.
Those of us in the Garden Ministry have a deep affinity for the patch of creation that is St. Gabriel’s Garden and we do our best to care for it. But it is your prayers, encouraging words, participation and support that fuel us. As another growing season draws to a close, and the garden settles into winter slumber, we give you our heartfelt thanks.
A donation of securities is one of the easiest and smartest ways to donate in Canada. When you donate to the Archdiocese of Toronto, you put stock in knowing that you are creating the greatest impact on the church and those we serve. Consider making a gift of securities to your parish or any one of our Archdiocesan charities.
For further information, contact the development office at or by phone at 416-934-3400 Ext. 561/519.