Bulletin – September 17, 2023


Youth in elementary school and high school, as well as young adults 19 and up are invited to join our parish youth ministry. There is a table in the gathering space this weekend to learn more information. There will also be a special slideshow from our young adults who attended World Youth Day this summer in Portugal.


September 26th , 27th and October 5th from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM

There will be registration for the Sacraments of First Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation on September 26th, 27th and October 5th from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM in the gathering space of the church.

Please Note:

A copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate is required if registering for First Communion or Confirmation. Registration forms will not be accepted without it.

A Baptism certificate is not required for Reconciliation.

A fee of $30 is required at registration for Confirmation to defray related costs.

The deadline for registration for all sacraments is October 8th. No registrations will be accepted after that date.


The Children’s Liturgy will begin on Sunday September 24th at the 10:30 AM Mass. We are in need of more volunteers to assist this program. For more information or to volunteer, please call Dawn Burke at 416 671-0561 or leave a message at the Parish Office.


The Altar Server Ministry invites children, 10 and above, who are interested in learning how to serve at Mass, to please email stgabrielsaltarservers@gmailcom


September 18th to September 24th

MONDAY – BERNICE JERMYN ✞ – Requested by the Nguyen Family
TUESDAY – MORTON P. SHULMAN ✞ – Requested by the Nguyen Family
WEDNESDAY – FIORENTINO & Maria GIANNOTTA ✞ – Requested by Lina Giannotta
THURSDAY – SR. DONATA DEAN I.B.V.M. ✞ – Requested by Margaret Anne Leckie
FRIDAY – GERRY, EDNA & MIKE HATCH ✞ – Requested by their Family
SATURDAY – JOSEPH D’GAMA ✞ – Requested by his Family
SUNDAY – 10:30 AM – KOK CHENG PAI ✞ – Requested by Kok Yau Lam
SUNDAY – 12:30 PM – HAU CHAU ✞ – Requested by Kok Yau Lam


Sunday, September 24th

Cathedral of the Transfiguration
10350 Victoria Square Blvd, Markham

The theme announced by His Holiness Pope Francis for this year’s World Day of Migrants and Refugees is “Free to Choose Whether to Migrate or to Stay.”. In his message, Pope Francis acknowledges that while the decision to migrate should always be free, in many cases it is not. This point was reflected by St. John Paul II in his message for the 90th World Day of Migrants & Refugees, in which he wrote, “building conditions of peace means in practice being seriously committed to safeguarding first of all the right not to emigrate, that is, the right to live in peace and dignity in one’s own country.” As he concluded his message, Pope Francis referenced the words of the Lord when He said “…I was a stranger, and you welcomed me” reminding us that the Lord’s words are a “constant admonition to see in the migrant not simply a brother or sister in difficulty, but Christ himself, who knocks at our door.”

This occasion will be marked with the celebration of Mass, which will take place on Sunday, September 24th, 2023, at 12:00 PM. at the Cathedral of the Transfiguration, located at 10350 Victoria Square Blvd. in Markham. Monsignor Makarios Wehbi will preside, and Bishop John Boissonneau will be the homilist. A short program will follow. All are welcome


Friday, September 29th, 2023 at 5:30 PM

St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica

The Archdiocese of Toronto celebrates the feast day of our archdiocesan patron, St. Michael, on Friday, September 29th, 2023. All are welcome to join in a special celebration on that day at 5:30 PM. at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica (65 Bond St.). Archbishop Francis Leo will celebrate Mass, with music from the world-renowned St. Michael’s Choir School. As part of the celebration, the Apostolic Nuncio to Canada, the Most Rev. Ivan Jurkovič will confer the pallium on our archbishop, a symbol of his role as Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto and shepherd to the faithful.

Following Mass, there will be an informal reception with light refreshments in the St. Michael’s Cathedral atrium and courtyard. Seating will be first come, first served. All are welcome to join in this special celebration for our archdiocese and archbishop!


For those who have not yet contributed to ShareLife, you may still do so. Envelopes are at the back of the church. Please be as generous as your means allow.


For the Good Shepherd Centre and Rosalie Hall

You can make a difference in the lives of the hungry and homeless this Thanksgiving by helping to provide meals for the homeless and at-risk individuals in our community.

Urgently needed items include:
Tuna and canned meats
tomato sauce
canned tomatoes
chick peas, beans
soups, stews
granola/protein bars
canned corn & vegetables
bagged rice
breakfast cereals
peanut butter
tea bags & coffee

Please check the expiry date as we cannot pass on expired foods. Please no fresh or frozen foods.

We thank you for your generous support!


The Justice & Peace & the Integrity of Creation Committee

Starting on the weekend of September 23rd until October 1st, our parish through the JPIC Committee and in collaboration with the Canadian Library Project will put up a micro gallery display in our Gathering Space.

The micro gallery display will consist of books that which have been “individually covered in Indigenous-inspired fabric, and arranged on bookshelves. The names of lives lost, printed in gold letters, are placed on the spines of these books to individually respect and honour the thousands of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls and children.” It is the hope of TLC and the JPIC at St. Gabriel’s that “the visual representation of the books covered in glorious Indigenous fabrics and the names of those lost, printed on the spines of the books, will evoke a sense of empathy, understanding and desire to see change.”

The micro gallery display will be our parish way of observing and commemorating the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation or Orange Shirt Day


September 30th, 2023

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation takes place each year on September 30th. At St. Ann’s parish in Toronto, home to the Native People’s Mission, a special Mass will be held on October 1st, 2023, at 12:30 PM. All are welcome to attend.

The Archdiocese of Toronto will hold a special collection the weekend of September 30th/October 1st, 2023 to support the Indigenous Healing & Reconciliation Fund. The fund will support both local and national programs proposed by Indigenous communities to nurture the ongoing reconciliation journey. You can donate through your local parish or online anytime at: www.archtoronto.org/healingandreconciliation


September 20th from1:00 to 3:00 PM

The weavers will be meeting from 1:00 – 3:00 on the following dates: Sept. 20th, Oct. 18th, Nov. 15th and Dec. 13th. Parishioners and friends are welcome to drop by to either be actively involved or simply to learn about the project. Your donated milk bags are cut, looped and woven to make sleeping mats for those living in the streets in Toronto or shipped to developing countries. All are welcome.

Participants attending on Sept. 20th will also be invited to cover a book in Indigenous fabric representing the life of a missing Indigenous woman or children as an act of reconciliation.


With Roberto Chiotti, the Church Architect
After each Mass on the Weekend of September 23rd /24th

During the course of the two sessions on exploring our parish’s Journey Forward back in March and April, a number of parishioners expressed interest in learning more about St. Gabriel’s Church and its connection to and reflection of the mission of the Passionist Community.

Roberto Chiotti, the architect who designed the church, has generously offered to give a short presentation and “tour” of the building and will be doing so after each Mass on the weekend of September 23rd and 24th. Please save the date(s) and plan to join us after any of those Masses!

Rick Coles and Leanne Kloppenborg, Mission Co-Directors

Newman Centre Presents: The Date Night Series

Wednesday, September 20, from 6:00 PM – to 9:00 PM

Newman Centre Catholic Mission

Join them on Wednesday, September 20th at 6:00 PM for our first Date Night event of the Fall Season. Healthy Relationships: How to keep things healthy. Our guest speaker will be Ann Morgan, Registered Psychotherapist. Delicious dinner for two, fellowship with other Catholic couples, and an inspiring talk. Don’t delay in obtaining your tickets.
($50 per couple).

For tickets contact the Newman Centre Catholic Mission at 416-979-2468 or email

EVENTBRITE LINK: https://bit.ly/3Z42UH8
WEB: newmantoronto.com