Bulletin – June 9, 2024


June 10th – June 16th, 2024

WEDNESDAY – MOLLY McCONKEY ✞ – Requested by Patrick and Ruth Ann McConkey
THURSDAY – TONINO DIDIODATO ✞ – Requested by his Family
FRIDAY – CALEB CRICHTON – Requested by Karen Crichton
SATURDAY – DECEASED FATHERS OF JACK AND WANDA ✞ – Requested by Jack and Wanda Wrobel
SUNDAY – 10:30 AM – BRUNO CORTESE ✞ – Requested by Antonietta Cortese
SUNDAY – 12:30 PM – PETER G. VALAVI ✞ – Requested by The Valavi Family

Year of Prayer

On January 21, 2024, Pope Francis inaugurated a Year of Prayer ahead of the 2025 Jubilee, calling on the faithful “to pray more fervently to prepare ourselves to live properly this grace-filled event and to experience the power of hope in God.”

The Year of Prayer, the Holy Father explained, is dedicated “to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer, prayer in personal life, in the life of the Church, prayer in the world.”

A parishioner suggested, “…… pray this Psalm with the entire universe: calling out in confidence to God who is always steadfast. Why not select one of the Psalm’s four segments, copy onto a small card to carry with us, or maybe commit to memory, to repeat frequently to God this week.”

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Psalm 130: With the Lord there is steadfast love, and great power to redeem.

Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications!

If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with you, so that you may be revered.

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word · hope; my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning.

For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is great power to redeem. It is he who will redeem Israel from all its iniquities.


Living the Gospel by supporting people with special needs.

When you give to ShareLife, you help people with developmental disabilities and their family members through an agency called Mary Centre. Here’s how your contribution makes a difference in the lives of those served by this remarkable Catholic agency:

“Thank you to all who donate to ShareLife. With each donation we receive, we are able to attain our goals of assisting people in their efforts in building a good life.” – Don Walker, Mary Centre

Transform someone’s life today. Please give at the parish using a ShareLife envelope, online through our parish website, or at sharelife.org/donate.


Thank you for your generous support of Rosalie Hall and the Good Shepherd Centre. Your food donations are always so important as numbers of people in need continue to increase.

Rosalie Hall is an accredited children’s mental health facility focusing on the needs of pregnant and parenting youth ages 12-25, their children, and their families.

“Young parents often face limited resources and the multitude of demands as they attempt to feed, clothe and provide for their children. By offering food through our Food Share Program, we can make available essential items that they need to maintain their health and well being. Your continued generosity is a shining example of the positive impact that caring individuals like you can have.”
Rosalie Hall

Good Shepherd provides hot meals, clean clothes and shelter for the homeless in our city They help find housing and provide follow up support. They support the homeless who are working to overcome addictions and provide a chance to start again through the Resettlement or DARE Programs.

Please check the expiry date before donating since we cannot pass on food that has expired.


Good Shepherd serves upwards of 1,000 meals per day to people who would otherwise go hungry. Seniors, people living on disability payments, people living in poverty, homeless men and women are people at the table. Please think about volunteering to help feed our sisters and brothers in need. Three different recipes are available in the Parish Office or online at the Parish website. Casserole pans are also available in the Parish Office.

Your support is a tremendous help and is appreciated in the fight to end hunger and chronic homelessness. For more information, you may contact Irene Albrecht at 416-221-2791.


2nd collection next weekend, June 15th/16th, 2024

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Toronto Central Council, helps over 1,000 girls each summer, registering eligible campers through home visits. Marygrove Camp is a residential camp situated on Georgian Bay in Ontario, open to eligible girls ages 5–13. Marygrove provides a camping experience for children who may not otherwise have the opportunity to enjoy a camping adventure. Families who are experiencing financial or domestic hardship may contact the Society directly to determine their eligibility.


June 15th/16th

Bundle Up for Saint Vincent de Paul!

Bring your gently used textiles, shoes, clothing, bedding, draperies, and small household goods (no dishes please) to share with others on June 15th /16th. A Saint Vincent de Paul truck/bin will be in the church parking lot so please share what you can with those less fortunate. Your donations will be used and/or sold to support outreach efforts.

The truck/bin will be open all day Saturday from 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM and Sunday from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Volunteers will assist with the loading before and after each Saturday and Sunday Mass.

Please note that donations can only be accepted when the truck is open. Out of consideration for the volunteers who load the truck, please do not bring donations before or after the hours listed above.

A list of items that can or cannot be accepted is available by the Poor Box in the Gathering Space, or by calling the office.

Thank you for your continued support!


Friday July 19th to Wednesday July 24th, 2024

(Arrival 4:00PM for Dinner, Departure after Lunch)
Jericho House, 10845 Rathfon Road, Port Colborne, ON
L3K 5V4 – 1-905-834-0553

Retreat Theme: Encountering and Embracing a Contemplative Ecology

Sponsored by Jericho House & Office of Province Life & Renewal Edmund Rice Christian Brothers North America

At the heart of the retreat, the relationship between contemplation and the realities of the world of nature in a time of ecological crisis will be explored – suggesting even that fostering a contemplative spirit is a primary and significant part of responding to the crises of the time.

The retreat will be facilitated by Sr. Mary Rowell, CSJ.

For Sr. Mary’s bio information, as well as further details about the retreat, please consult the poster on our bulletin boards, or visit the parish office for a copy.

Registration is by email at: leadership@jerichohouse.org
Cost: Residents $600 / Commuters $500
Please make cheques payable to Jericho House.


Wednesday, June 19th, 2024, 1:00PM to 2:30PM

This Wednesday will be the last milk bag weaving session for this academic year.

New members are always welcome to join or simply drop by.

Thank you to all parishioners who have been donating their gently used milk bags.


Thursday, June 13, 2024, from 6:30PM to 8:30PM

Ethennonnhawahstihnen’ Community Recreation Centre

The City of Toronto City Planning Division has initiated the review of the Sheppard East Corridor to focus, and shape, anticipated growth in a comprehensive well-planned manner. The purpose of this meeting is to further articulate ReNew Sheppard Study’s vision and guiding principles by presenting vibrant complete community development scenarios and soliciting community feedback that will shape key development policies about the block and street network, public realm, parks and open spaces, built form, and mobility connections that altogether integrates and promotes a sustainable and resilient approach.

You can view background information on the ReNew Sheppard East study, as well as provide your thoughts on key study components at: www.toronto.ca/RenewSheppardEast


Why did the lobsters not share life?
Because crustaceans are kind of shellfish.

Securities as a Charitable Gift Option

One of the most financially sound ways to support the Archdiocese of Toronto is with the gift of securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds). When you donate stocks, mutual funds and other publicly traded securities to a registered charity, you pay no capital gains tax and receive a tax receipt for the full amount of the gift. It means a great tax break for you and more significant support of your Parish and various archdiocesan charities such as ShareLife, St. Augustine’s Seminary, The Shepherds’ Trust and many others. To donate securities, follow this link: https://bit.ly/GiftsOfSecurities where you will find our “How to Gift Securities Info Sheet” and a “Letter of Direction.”