Bulletin – May 12, 2024

Happy Mother’s Day!

Wishing all mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, single mothers, foster mothers and mothers-in-law a very happy and wonderful Mother’s Day.

“Without mothers, not only would there be no new faithful, but the faith itself would lose a good part of its simple and profound warmth…” Francis, Amoris Laetitia n.174


The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in our parish on Sunday May 19th, 2024 at 3:00 PM.

In preparation for this Sacrament, a Confirmation retreat will be held here on Saturday, May 18th, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Candidates are reminded to bring a signed letter from their service Ministry Coordinator or a parent stating the completion or anticipated completion of volunteer service hours.


May 13th – May 19th, 2024

MONDAY – JOHN JOE HIGGINS – Requested by Agnes Gaughan
TUESDAY – MARIA DIDIODATO ✞ – Requested by The Family
WEDNESDAY – TERRY CLARKE – Requested by Karen Crichton
THURSDAY – FRANCISCO KIT SANTOS ✞ – Requested by Levy and Erlinda Abalos
FRIDAY – TINA INTINI ✞ – Requested by Chiara Intini
SUNDAY – 10:30 AM – GEORGE EGERTON HALE ✞ – Requested by His Family
SUNDAY – 12:30 PM – JOSEPH LO ✞ – Requested by Jenny Lo


Ascension of the Lord
1st Reading: Acts 1.1-11
2nd Reading: Eph 1.17-23 or Eph 4.1-13
Gospel: Mark 16.15-20 – Jesus Commissions the Disciples

Before His ascension, Jesus tells His apostles, and us, to go into the world and spread the Gospel. To be authentic stewards we can’t hang up our faith on the door as if it were a jacket we took off when we walked into the office. Rather, we should realize that living as a disciple of Christ at all times and showcasing the joy of being a Catholic is perhaps the greatest good we can do in evangelizing our neighbour.



On this World Communications Day, your support of ShareLife is improving the lives of our brothers and sisters in the Deaf and hard of hearing community.

“If you ever wonder what impact you are making – you are sending Deaf kids to an accessible American Sign Language (ASL) camp in the summer; you are connecting Deaf kids with Deaf mentors; you are inspiring Deaf kids to achieve their dreams; you are teaching family members ASL so they can communicate with their Deaf children. When you give, it goes a long way.” – Kelly Mackenzie, Silent Voice.

Thus far we have raised $38,146 toward our goal of $193,500. Please give at the parish using a ShareLife envelope, online through our parish website, or at sharelife.org/donate.


Thank you for your generous support of Rosalie Hall and the Good Shepherd Centre. Your food donations are always so important as numbers of people in need continue to increase.

Rosalie Hall is an accredited children’s mental health facility focusing on the needs of pregnant and parenting youth ages 12-25, their children, and their families.

Good Shepherd provides hot meals, clean clothes and shelter for the homeless in our city They help find housing and provide follow up support. They support the homeless who are working to overcome addictions and provide a chance to start again through the Resettlement or DARE Programs.

Please check the expiry date before donating since we cannot pass on food that has expired.


Good Shepherd provides more than 240,000 meals a year to people who would otherwise go hungry. Please think about volunteering to help feed our less fortunate sisters and brothers. Three different recipes are available in the Parish Office or online at the Parish website. Casserole pans are also available in the Parish Office.

Your support is a tremendous help and is appreciated in the fight to end hunger and chronic homelessness. For more information, you may contact Irene Albrecht at 416-221-2791.

Join us for St. Gabriel’s Social Justice Movie Club and Discussion Group

Maya Land: Listening to the Bees

Maya Land: Listening to the Bees tells the story of the conflict that erupted between Maya beekeepers and the Mexican government in 2011, fomented by the planting of genetically modified soy in the Yucatan peninsula. The film focuses on the role that Mayas’ pre-colonial and ongoing relationship with the bees and the bees themselves had in this conflict and how in the end the struggle transformed thinking about development in the region.

You choose your level of participation, from simply watching the movie at home to having a thoughtful and illuminating discussion with other parishioners at the following date, time and place:

Gabriel Room on Wednesday May 29th at 7:30 pm.

Note that the film is to be viewed at home ahead of the meeting. It is available on Youtube and Netflix.

Please contact the office if you have any questions regarding the Movie Club.

Corpus Christi Mass & Procession

Sunday, June 2, 2024 (following Noon Mass)
Saint Michael’s Cathedral Basilica
All are welcome!

All are welcome to join the Most Reverend Francis Leo, Archbishop of Toronto, for a Corpus Christi Mass & Procession at Saint Michael’s Cathedral Basilica (65 Bond St.) on Sunday, June 2, 2024 following the Noon Mass. A short procession (30-45 minutes) will take place in the vicinity surrounding the cathedral followed by Solemn Benediction followed by fellowship.

Holy Mass for Annointing of the Sick

Saturday June 8th, 2024 at 10:00AM

Blessed Trinity Parish, 3220 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON.

Bring your family members or friends who are experiencing the trials of illness and affliction to come and receive God’s blessing and strength, and the Holy Spirit’s gift of peace and courage.

Please register at the Blessed Trinity church office or by email to Kay Booker at kaymax@sympatico.ca

International Eucharistic Congress

September 8–15, 2024

Join the Archdiocese of Toronto Delegation!

Traditionally every four years, the Holy Father invites pilgrims from around the world to join in an International Eucharistic Congress. This year’s event will take place in Quito, Ecuador from September 8–15, 2024. Limited spaces are available for pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Toronto to join with other Canadian delegates to travel to Ecuador. To learn more about the pilgrimage, visit www.archtoronto.org/iec. Registration deadline is June 6 with early bird pricing available until May 6, 2024.

Year of Prayer

On January 21, 2024, Pope Francis inaugurated a Year of Prayer ahead of the 2025 Jubilee, calling on the faithful “to pray more fervently to prepare ourselves to live properly this grace-filled event and to experience the power of hope in God.”

The Year of Prayer, the Holy Father explained, is dedicated “to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer, prayer in personal life, in the life of the Church, prayer in the world.”

Visit http://www.archtoronto.org/prayer for more information on this event.


If you are planning to be a teacher, it is important for you to know that to be hired to teach in any Catholic school board in Ontario, there must be a letter of reference from your pastor as part of your application. The letter explaining that you belong to and participate in the community cannot be written if your pastor does not know you. It is recommended that you have a conversation with him early in the process well before the applications are to be submitted.



The Spring issue of our newsletter “Growing News” is now available from the home page and the Garden Ministry page of the Parish website. We hope you will enjoy it and look forward to your “letters to the editor”.

If you would like to receive the latest copy as soon as it is printed send us an email and we will gladly put you on our email list. Email us at: garden@stgabrielsparish.ca

If you are an experienced gardener, or interested in learning and would like volunteer or take on the leadership of St. Gabriel’s community garden, growing vegetables for the Good Shepherd Ministries, please get in touch. You will be welcomed with open arms.

To volunteer or to obtain more information please email garden@stgabrielsparish.ca


How did Jay’s computer catch a cold?
Hint: What did mum say about leaving your Windows open …