Luke tells us that the Pharisees were shocked and resentful that Jesus welcomes and breaks bread with such losers as these tax collector and sinners.
Jesus still does. At this Eucharist he breaks bread and offers it to us with the words, take and eat, this is my body. Jesus shares a cup of wine with us; take and drink this is my blood. Can we see ourselves in the wandering, confused and lost sheep? Can we see ourselves in that lost coin? Can we see ourselves in that spoiled selfish son who wanted to be free of any restraint any responsibility and do our own thing? Yet the sheep is found and the coin is found and the son comes to his senses and comes home. The shepherd calls others to rejoice with him and his found sheep. The housewife shares her joy with her neighbours when she finds her lost coin. The father throws a party to celebrate his mixed-up son’s return. There is joy in the presence of the Angels of God what was lost is found.
As I’ve said before we’re not bad people we’re mistake making beings and sometimes we do mean and spiteful things. Sometimes we say cruel and spiteful things to family members or fellow workers. Sometimes we belittle men and women because of their race, their faith or their lifestyles. Sometimes we resent all those strangers wanting to come to Canada to find a new and better life. Sometimes we are that lost sheep, that lost coin or that lost son. Our great consolation and wonder is that Christ is the presence of God in his human form seeking for us and saving us finding we who were lost.
In this Eucharist we give God thanks for God’s love and mercy toward all us mistaking making beings. We thank Christ for finding us and welcoming us home again and again and again.