Bulletin – June 20, 2021

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers, Grandfathers, Stepfathers and Great Grandfathers.

May you be blessed with the graces you need to be good and loving role models to your children. May God give you courage, compassion, patience and peace.


Welcome Back!

On June 7th, the Province of Ontario announced that Step 1 of the reopening plan would begin on June 11th.

Under Step 1, attendance at St. Gabriel’s is limited to a capacity of 15%. Weekend Mass attendance will continue to be by reservation on the Eventbrite system. This attendance number is limited to all Liturgical celebrations.

Reservations are not required for weekday Masses.


June 21st, 2021 to June 27th, 2021

MONDAY – DONALD O’CONNELL – Requested by Fergus O’Connell
FRIDAY – BERNARD KELLY – Requested by His Family
SATURDAY – KENG OWYONG – Requested by Helen Owyong


For the children who died in Kamloops and in residential schools throughout the country that
they not be forgotten,
Lord, Hear our prayer.

For healing of the relatives and communities of these children within the First Nation and Metis communities.
Lord heat our prayer.

For a thorough investigation of all former residential schools that any further unmarked graves of children would be found.
Lord, hear our prayer.

For wisdom and grace for the Honourable Dr. Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations.
Lord, hear our prayer.


If you’re going to university or college in the fall, campus ministry is waiting for you! Connect with the Catholic community on your campus by visiting: www.chaplaincyconnect.ca!


June is celebrated as Seniors Month in Ontario and in various provinces across Canada. The theme of 2021 in Ontario is Stay safe, Active and Connected. The month of June is also the dedicated to Adult Faith Formation in the Archdiocese of Toronto in recognition of the fact that adult faith formation is fundamental, essential and central in the life of faith communities.

“Seniors” and older adults have faced “increased isolation due to the Covid-19 pandemic” but the government of Canada and the province of Ontario have been making great strides in vaccinating older Ontarians, including those living in congregate settings. We hope that our older adult parishioners have taken advantage of the vaccination program offered in our province so that they can finally meet family members and enjoy outdoor activities once again.

“Adult faith formation has probably taken the biggest hit from the pandemic restrictions, as parishes have had to scramble to adapt and re-adapt liturgical celebrations and programs of sacramental preparation.” Most of the activities they have done thus far are with our seniors and older adult parishioners are virtual either via Skype or Zoom. It may take a bit longer before life returns to normal, but we will continue to try and find meaningful ways to connect with and serve the seniors and older adults in our community.

It is important that we recognize, appreciate, salute, and celebrate the seniors and older adults in our community, and especially in our parish. They are the ones who had contributed and continue to contribute towards the building of our community – both our parish and our local communities – that they are today. We continue as a parish community to strive to raise awareness about programs and services that will benefit and meet the needs of our seniors, especially during this pandemic time and beyond. If any of our parishioners are interested in programs and services for seniors and maturing adults, please check our bulletin or our parish website. You may can also contact Sr. Maria Lucia at the parish or via email at StGabrielMMA@gmail.com


This weekend is ShareLife Sunday!

“These uncertain times are especially difficult for addiction clients. Our programs would not be open without ShareLife donors, Through your support we are able to dramatically reduce social isolation for men and women living with mental health and addictions.”

— Robin Griller, St. Michael’s Homes

Today is ShareLife Sunday.
Please give generously.


Weekend of June, 26th/27th

Thank you to the volunteers who prepared 24 casseroles for May. For June, your frozen casseroles will be collected after all the Masses next Saturday, June 26th and Sunday, June 27th for delivery to the Good Shepherd Centre. Let’s see if we can increase that number!

The need is very great especially right now with Covid19.

The casseroles are easy to make and we have the recipes and casserole pans right here in the Parish Office. The recipes are also available on the Parish website. If you require more information, please contact Irene Albrecht at 416-221-2791.


Thank you for your generous support of Rosalie Hall and the Good Shepherd Centre. Your food donations are very much appreciated.

Rosalie Hall assists young parents and their children to realize their potential through the provision of a wide range of child development, community, residential and educational services.

Good Shepherd provides hot meals and shelter for the homeless in our city as well as a chance to start again through the Resettlement or DARE Programs.

Your food donations are more important than ever as Covid 19 continues and numbers of needy people continue to increase. Please check the expiry dates before donating since we cannot pass on food that has expired


Thursday, June 24th from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

A Virtual Event Hosted by ShareLife

We often worry about how to care for the emotional wellbeing of our parents and senior family members as they age. These challenges grew during the pandemic, as many of us were unable to safely visit them in person. What are some of the challenges seniors experience, but may be hesitant to share with us? And how do we respect their independence, while ensuring they do not suffer from loneliness and isolation?

Amanda Fellows from Catholic Family Services of Simcoe County– a ShareLife-funded agency – will provide valuable insights on how we can best support our senior family members. Following the 25-minute presentation, Amanda will answer your questions.

Register at http://bit.ly/sharelifeseniors

Camping with the Holy Spirit

Saturday, June 26th at 7:00 PM

A Virtual Event Hosted by the Children’s Ministry of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Council (CCRC) of the Archdiocese of Toronto

Calling all parents and children! Join our annual celebration virtually and free of charge. Join us for Holy Ghost stories, camp fire songs, games, crafts and yummy fruits under the stars with Mother Mary!

Email at childrenministryccrc@gmail.com


Saturday, June 26th from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM

A Virtual Event Hosted by Newman Centre Catholic Mission

The Newman Centre is excited to invite you to a summer retreat with world-renowned spiritual director, Fr. Jacques Philippe. He will present an inspiring retreat on the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We will pray the rosary together as well as the Litany to the Sacred Heart.

With over one million copies sold in 24 languages, Fr. Philippe’s writings on prayer, interior freedom and peace of heart have become classics of modern Catholic spirituality.
This will be a live webinar and seats are already filling up. Please register and spread the word!

Register at https://summer2021retreat.eventbrite.ca or contact lenita.lopes@newmantoronto.com

Website: www.newmantoronto.com


This spring the cherry trees in the north garden are literally laden with ripening fruit, and the same is true of the blueberry, haskap and currant shrubs. It appears that 3 years after planting, the north garden is reaching maturity.

In the south garden, the area formerly covered by landscape fabric has now been seeded with white clover to form living mulch pathways between the ferns, grasses, lavender and smoke bush.

Check out the photos on our Garden Ministry webpage: https://stgabrielsparish.ca/ministries/garden-ministry/

Looking for a nature getaway? Join the Garden Ministry!


Your parish has been there for you and your family during the most important moments of your lives. Help you’re your Catholic community active and alive for years to come.

Please consider your parish in your will or through a planned gift. A bequest is a beautiful way to express your faith and gratitude for a lifetime of blessings – a lasting legacy of love that will help the Church continue with its many ministries.

For more details, please call the Parish Office at 416-221-8866 or contact Peter Okonski, Manager of Planned Giving and Personal Gifts at 416 934 3400 Ext. 519 or by email at development@archtoronto.org.

All calls are confidential.