Tuesday January 4, 2022
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
St. Gabriel’s Passionist Parish
Watch Fr. Paul’s Funeral Mass (video)
Tuesday January 4, 2022
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
St. Gabriel’s Passionist Parish
Watch Fr. Paul’s Funeral Mass (video)
Download the Garden Retreat Poster
September 18th, 2021
9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
St. Gabriel’s Parish
670 Sheppard Ave. East
Participants will engage hands-on with the plants and soil. Dress for the weather.
Visit: stgabrielsparish.eventbrite.ca Or Call: 416-221-8866
Reserve early as space is limited.
Cost $30. Please pay registration fee at the door.
Fr Stephen Dunn, Passionist, Ecotheologian
– Changing Perspective –
Dennis Patrick O’Hara, PhD
– The Garden in Architectural Context –
Maria Montejo, Indigenous Maya Popti’, Traditional Knowledge Holder
– An Indigenous Perspective on creating a way of life that is in Harmony, Balance and Respect with All Our Relations –
Sponsored by St. Gabriel’s Parish in collaboration with the St. Gabriel’s Garden Ministry, The Eco Sabbath, The Youth Ministry, and the Congregation of Passionists.
Event will operate under the COVID-19 protocols of Toronto Public Health.
As communicated last week, the provincial government released its “Roadmap to Reopen” on May 20, 2021. In summary, places of worship are restricted to a 10 person maximum until Step 2, expected in early July 2021, with the exception of outdoor services that are permitted in Step 1. In a meeting with the Premier’s office, I made very clear our dissatisfaction regarding the hard cap of 10 in light of the fact that non-essential retailers will be permitted to open at 15% capacity as of Step 1 (expected mid-June) and 25% capacity for Step 2.
In March of this year, many of you wrote or encouraged your parishioners/colleagues to participate in the “A Place to Worship” campaign, when we found ourselves in a similar situation. A simple website helps to facilitate a message to Premier Ford and local Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP).
If, by the end of this week, there are no changes relating to places of worship in the “Roadmap to Reopen”, we will, once again, ask parishioners to connect with their MPP as part of a new campaign. Additional details regarding the logistics as well as appropriate communication will be shared with you shortly. Many faith communities from throughout the province have expressed an interest in participating in this initiative.
We have also received numerous inquiries regarding the possibility of outdoor Masses at parishes in the archdiocese, as is permitted by the provincial government in Step 1. We are in the process of preparing recommendations regarding outdoor liturgies. If the province chooses not to make changes to current restrictions, guidance regarding outdoor Masses will be provided to parishes by June 1, 2021.
I recognize the fluid nature of the situation and once again, appreciate your patience as we advocate for places of worship and prepare plans for the days ahead. We will continue to keep you updated with the latest information. Be assured of my ongoing gratitude and prayers.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Sincerely in Christ,
Thomas Cardinal Collins
Archbishop of Toronto
On behalf of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), I express our deepest sorrow for the heartrending loss of the children at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School on the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation.
The news of the recent discovery is shocking. It rekindles trauma in numerous communities across this land. Honouring the dignity of the lost little ones demands that the truth be brought to light.
This tragedy profoundly impacts Indigenous communities, with whom many people across this land and throughout the world now stand in solidarity.
As we see ever more clearly the pain and suffering of the past, the Bishops of Canada pledge to continue walking side by side with Indigenous Peoples in the present, seeking greater healing and reconciliation for the future.
We lift up prayers to the Lord for the children who have lost their lives and pledge our close accompaniment of Indigenous families and communities.
May our Creator God bless all of us with consolation and hope.
+ Richard Gagnon
Archbishop of Winnipeg and
President of the Canadian Conference
of Catholic Bishops
31 May 2021