Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

2023 Advent Day of Reflection

Monday, December 11th, 2023

Compassion: The Journey from Loneliness to Solitude

Given by Fr. Paul Ruttle, CP

Tree Planting Photos – October 2023

Friday, October 20th, 2023

Members from our youth and young adult group planted a dozen trees at Anewen Park through a community event co-hosted by the City of Toronto and Don’t Mess With the Don.

The group was accompanied by Deacon Cristian.

St. Gabes Youth Group Tree Planting

St. Gabes Youth Group Tree Planting

St. Gabes Youth Group Tree Planting

St. Gabes Youth Group Tree Planting

St. Gabes Youth Group Tree Planting

St. Gabes Youth Group Tree Planting

World Youth Day 2023 – Lisbon, Portugal

Friday, October 20th, 2023

13 young adults from our parish attended World Youth Day in August 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. It was a 6-day event in which our young adults had the opportunity to share their faith with Pope Francis and with 1.5 million young Catholics from across the globe.

Thank you to our parish community for helping make it possible for our youth group to embark on this pilgrimage!

Our young adults have prepared a booklet of short reflections about their experience.

Download the PDF booklet.

Passionist Jubilee Synod (St. Gabriel Synod)

Sunday, September 25th, 2022

Fr. Jim O’Shea, the Provincial of St. Paul of the Cross province, of which our parish is a part, will be visiting our parish on the October 1st and 2nd weekend.

He will share with the parish what has come out of the Synod and present the vision we want to propose as we go forward.

Finding God in Creation: A Garden Retreat for Elders

Saturday, July 2nd, 2022

Celebating World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Saturday, July 23, 2022
From 1pm to 4pm
St. Gabriel’s Parish

Participants will engage hands on with the soil.

Sponsored by St. Gabriel’s Parish in collaboration with the Garden Ministry, the Ministry with Maturing Adults and the congregation of the Passionists.

To register, please visit or call 416-221-8866

Download the poster for more information